Reds, oranges, yellows....beautiful!
Paul and I found one more thing we agree on: We both love autumn! It's our favorite season, and we are trying hard to make time to go for walks through our neighborhood to enjoy the stunning colors of fall before...brrr....winter sets in.
A lot of change has transpired in our lives this fall; Paul is student-teaching, and any teachers out there know that while it can be wonderful, it is a LOT of work and can be very stressful! He has 6 weeks remaining before we get to CELEBRATE his completion of his Masters in Elementary Ed! Woo hoo! (Now we just need to pray the Lord opens up HIS perfect job for Paul!)
I have taken on more students through
and I am enjoying the challenges that brings, including the challenge of needing to get out and be social since this is an online job. I'm also enjoying ministry with Theophostic Prayer Ministry as well as the various other doors the Lord continues to open ministry-wise.
We were blessed with an unexpected surprise from the IRS and so were able to get a few new appliances for our kitchen, which we really needed since some of the ones we replaced were quickly becoming less functional. God is such a great provider at just the right times!
Finally, I want to give a shout-out to my precious friend Kati, who called me when she was in the U.S. and made my entire week! Thank you dear one! The only thing that would have made it better would have been to see you face t0 face, but I will take what I can get!