It doesn't take a rocket-scientist to figure out that things are happening on this planet that are shall we say not good? Weather patterns are simply nutty, economic forecasts are gloomy at best, and the Lord only knows what is in the hearts of those who want to live in the realms of destruction.
All this to say, while I'm not fearful because my hope is in the Lord and His great sovereignty, I am preparing. I began the preparedness journey a couple of months ago and promptly felt overwhelmed! However, I had a good friend trying to help me through it all, and I have some things ready. But the stress of thinking about trying to "hunt and gather" so many things was causing stress and even provoking that imp (fear)...and so I decided no more. Not no more preparing, but just no more stress and no more wondering, "So now what do I do with this 25 pound bag of pinto beans?"
A friend of mine introduced me to Shelf Reliance and Thrive Foods. From the get go, I was pretty much sold...the food is EXTREMELY tasty, and because of the process they use for dehydrating it, the vitamins are still in it when you rehydrate it. In addition, they have done their homework when it comes to other things like emergency kits, etc. So, now I am a consultant because first, I refuse to prepare out of fear; second, I want to prepare in order to be an asset to others rather than a liability; third, I want MORE time to spend on the things that are important to me, like people!
So, if you are interested in visiting my store online, just click on the title to this blog or on the link below and you can check it all out. I'm happy to answer any questions...I'm new at all of this so be patient with me...but I am excited to get prepared, and be at peace in the process!
Blessings on you!
Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Preview of my newest book!
Click on the title of this blog, or on the link below, to reach the link where you can preview my newest book, The Senders.
This book has been over two years in the writing/compiling, largely due to my own procrastination, but finally, within just a couple of weeks, it will be in print and ready for reading consumption.
My previous book, Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness was published through Xulon Press. I chose to publish The Senders through and their online publishing site called Create Space.
Have a look:
This book has been over two years in the writing/compiling, largely due to my own procrastination, but finally, within just a couple of weeks, it will be in print and ready for reading consumption.
My previous book, Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness was published through Xulon Press. I chose to publish The Senders through and their online publishing site called Create Space.
Have a look:
More thoughts on married life....
While I knew that being married and all that entails is nothing like you see in the movies, it's interesting how 'normal' and easily we have moved into being a married couple. Yes, we are newly weds, but even that term can be fraught with some glorious expectations and innuendos when in reality, life plugs along for us just like every other person on the planet. We take out the trash, we garden, we pull weeds, we cook meals, we entertain friends for dinner, we clean bathrooms and do laundry, we wash dishes, and feed our cat, Simon. Normal stuff...I don't quite know why I'm writing this or if somehow I expected life to become sort-of dream-like in the everyday reality.
Of course there are the moments of wedded bliss and snippets of precious stolen moments, like sitting on our front porch last night with the light off and looking at the stars...sometimes talking but just holding hands and enjoying the beauty. Or waking up in the middle of the night to a raging storm and turning over to hold one another and enjoy the thunder and lightening and rain pounding down on the roof. Or taking long walks in the afternoon through our neighborhood, talking about the day, visioning and dreaming about the future.
But it struck me yesterday that really, married life is nothing like the movies, and a small part of me felt a bit of anger toward the film-making industry...not for me, but for all the young people out there who are bombarded every day with images of marriage and wedded bliss that simply are not even close to reality. The fantasy that Hollywood and other film industries present in abundance today are fueling an already sexually charged and idealistically deluded young population, which could lead them into unrealistic expectations about life, love and happiness.
I have never been happier than I am now as a married woman; I have more joy in me and peace than ever before; but it's not solely as a result of being married to a wonderful man. Primarily, it's because I'm married to a man who loves Jesus first and as we both put Him in the center of it all, the love, joy, happiness, peace, fun, adventure, purpose and calling all fall into place. There is even great fun in the mundane when the spouse the Lord has given you is by your side! But it's nothing like the emotionally charged blissful picture so many movies try to plant in our imaginations. I'm not sure I'm explaining myself very well, nor am I sure why I'm even blogging about this except that maybe some young (or even old) person out there needs to read this and bring that false picture into line with the Word of God and His reality, which is more joyful, wonderful and fulfilling than the movies portray.
Of course there are the moments of wedded bliss and snippets of precious stolen moments, like sitting on our front porch last night with the light off and looking at the stars...sometimes talking but just holding hands and enjoying the beauty. Or waking up in the middle of the night to a raging storm and turning over to hold one another and enjoy the thunder and lightening and rain pounding down on the roof. Or taking long walks in the afternoon through our neighborhood, talking about the day, visioning and dreaming about the future.
But it struck me yesterday that really, married life is nothing like the movies, and a small part of me felt a bit of anger toward the film-making industry...not for me, but for all the young people out there who are bombarded every day with images of marriage and wedded bliss that simply are not even close to reality. The fantasy that Hollywood and other film industries present in abundance today are fueling an already sexually charged and idealistically deluded young population, which could lead them into unrealistic expectations about life, love and happiness.
I have never been happier than I am now as a married woman; I have more joy in me and peace than ever before; but it's not solely as a result of being married to a wonderful man. Primarily, it's because I'm married to a man who loves Jesus first and as we both put Him in the center of it all, the love, joy, happiness, peace, fun, adventure, purpose and calling all fall into place. There is even great fun in the mundane when the spouse the Lord has given you is by your side! But it's nothing like the emotionally charged blissful picture so many movies try to plant in our imaginations. I'm not sure I'm explaining myself very well, nor am I sure why I'm even blogging about this except that maybe some young (or even old) person out there needs to read this and bring that false picture into line with the Word of God and His reality, which is more joyful, wonderful and fulfilling than the movies portray.
Ads on my blog.....
If you are a regular blog reader of mine, then you have noticed that I decided to allow blogger to put ads at the bottom of my blogs. The reason I am doing this is to generate a bit of income for Christian missions. The drawback is that I don't believe I can 'control' what ads appear there. So, I am praying about whether to continue having ads on my blog...
But for everyone's information, I DO NOT endorse the Mormons, Scientology or any other cults/sects or religions that are not centered on Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the ONLY way, truth and life! I am actually hoping that the ad people on blogger will read this blog and refrain from placing any of those false religion ads on my blog. I will certainly have to rethink having ads if they continue to put these kind on my blog.
So, blogger ad placers, please reserve this blog for truly Christian ads only! Thank you!
But for everyone's information, I DO NOT endorse the Mormons, Scientology or any other cults/sects or religions that are not centered on Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the ONLY way, truth and life! I am actually hoping that the ad people on blogger will read this blog and refrain from placing any of those false religion ads on my blog. I will certainly have to rethink having ads if they continue to put these kind on my blog.
So, blogger ad placers, please reserve this blog for truly Christian ads only! Thank you!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
So much going on!
I live such a blessed life! The Lord continues to pour out in abundance on my life, especially now as a married woman! From morning prayer at The Hartley Institute to friends near and far constantly blessing our lives to opportunities to minister at the drop of a hat, I can safely say life is not boring!
Paul and I hosted a reception/open house party yesterday for all of our friends here in KC...we were blessed with a constant flow of folks til nearly 9 p.m. Can't wait to celebrate with friends in Hungary and in Chicago!
Paul and I hosted a reception/open house party yesterday for all of our friends here in KC...we were blessed with a constant flow of folks til nearly 9 p.m. Can't wait to celebrate with friends in Hungary and in Chicago!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Growing Spiritual Hunger in Hungary
Even though God called me to leave Hungary two years ago, God continues to do His mighty work He needs me there...ha ha ha....that sounds funny; He certainly doesn't need us, but in His great design of redemption and restoration, He chooses to use people.
A few days ago, I came across this magazine article which gives an update on what is happening in Hungary, and needless to say, I am rejoicing in all that God is doing! Please continue to pray that the Lord will fan into flame His Truth in that nation! Click on the title to this blog to get to the article, or cut and paste the link below into your browser.;blogger
A few days ago, I came across this magazine article which gives an update on what is happening in Hungary, and needless to say, I am rejoicing in all that God is doing! Please continue to pray that the Lord will fan into flame His Truth in that nation! Click on the title to this blog to get to the article, or cut and paste the link below into your browser.;blogger
Friday, June 10, 2011
Rock House Church
"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers...and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people." (Acts 2:42,46,47)
When I first came to Kansas City from Hungary, I was encouraged to do an internship here through the International House of Prayer because that way, I would meet people and find a smaller group of friends in this very large community called IHOP. Having come from a fairly small community of believers in Hungary, I welcomed this admonition, as otherwise, navigating the waters in a community of over 2,000 people would be challenging. Indeed, I connected with a smaller number of people on deeper levels, and I adore the friendships that I continue to build with them.
However, I sorely missed the sweet, intimate community...quite literally a house church...that I shared weekly in Hungary with my precious sisters, Anita, Eszter and Gabi. We called it "Bible study", but it was really 'doing life together' on very significant levels, for 9 years. It took the Holy Spirit, hard work, commitment, sacrifice, laughter, tears and devotion to the Lord for this community to function over the long haul, but the blessings were and continue to be immense. Yes, an ocean separates us now, and communication is much less frequent, but when I receive emails from these precious sisters, it's as though not one minute of time has passed and the depth and width of our friendship remains intact. I know we will be life-long in the Holy Spirit heart friends forever!
So it was that kind of community my heart was reaching for here in Kansas church. Believers meeting in homes, as they did in the early church recorded in Acts, in smaller groups, breaking bread together, fellowshipping, praying, worshiping the Lord and visioning together as to how the Lord would lead us to serve and love one another, the community and the world.
The Rock is the church where I landed. Mind you, if you come on a Sunday morning, this church is a bit similar to other gatherings around the city on a Sunday morning...well, the freedom in the Spirit might be a bit more pronounced than some. But The Rock is primarily house churches, smaller groups of 10-20 people who meet during the week in peoples' homes. It's here that 'life-on-life' begins to unfold, where vulnerability and heart-connections take place, where commitment to the Lord and to one another in the Holy Spirit is practiced and lived out. It's not perfect, and a lot more 'junk' rises to the surface because of the covenant relationships we have formed with each other. But it's worth it. I experienced it in Hungary, and I'm beginning to experience it here at The Rock with my wonderful husband, who has been a part of The Rock for nearly 8 years now.
There are many in the body of Christ who are saying that house churches is where the church is headed for a number of reasons: economic necessity, personal desire for community, and coming persecution. Truly, the house church model makes sense: needs for intimate community are met, iron sharpens iron, which advances the sanctification process, life-giving love, as well as so many other blessings including freedom in the Spirit to move with Him in what He wants to do.
The above picture is of our house church and our two adopted missionaries, who are heading to Bulgaria in just over two months. They too are part of the family, the spiritual family, and have captured our hearts. Who knows what doors the Lord is going to open for the rest of us to go and serve in Bulgaria with them, possibly, or even in other parts of the world?
As I get to know my spiritual family here in KC better, my fondness and love for my spiritual families in other locations grows more intense. I suppose it's like a mom's love...she has a child and loves it intensely to the point where she cannot imagine loving a second child as much. Yet, the second child comes along and her heart expands and there is more than enough love for that one and ALL the subsequent children. Indeed, I miss my spiritual family in Hungary and in Virginia as well, but the love we have forged for one another in the Holy Spirit binds our hearts one to another for eternity. Now, as I covenant with this part of the body of Christ, for however long the Lord has us here in KC, may Holy Spirit knit all of our hearts in love for Him, for each other, and for the world out there who is crying out for what they may not know is the touch of the Father in heaven, whose sole desire is to bring them home into His family!
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Garden and Simon
Simon, chillin'!
Paul and I have green thumbs! We've been enjoying fresh lettuce, spinach, red chard and cilantro from our garden for a couple of weeks now! Yummy! There are two zuccinis on the vine and lots of snap peas!
Simon is surviving the heat. He has his own room now and seems to have forgotten Toby. Paul usually feeds him every morning when he gets up...I love my husband!
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