I think Paul and I could be pretty good farmers...ha ha ha! We have planted our garden plots and have realized we need more space! This morning, Paul asked if I'm ready to have a tomato business because we are over-run with tomato plants.
Things I love about gardening: the progress one can see from one day to the next; harvesting things we can eat and that taste fabulous that once were very tiny seeds; the anticipation of what may actually burst forth into its fruit and what may not; working alongside my husband. ;-)
As my dear friend reminded me just yesterday, everything is spiritual and can be worship to God...even gardening! :-)
Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Video highlights from our wedding!
Click on the title of this blog to see our wedding highlights video! Thank you, David Harder, for your excellent work on this!
Culture of honor?
As my husband and I drove out of our neighborhood yesterday, we decided to count the number of American flags flying in front of people's homes. Yesterday was Memorial Day, a national holiday in our nation, dedicated to honoring all of those who have selflessly given their lives for our country through living, serving and dying in the struggle to keep and maintain the freedoms we all enjoy every day.
In a 1.5 mile stretch of driving, we counted just 12 American flags flying...and that includes flags on side-streets that we craned our necks to find and include in our overall count.
This holiday is not about politics; it's about people and their sacrifices that we might still enjoy what much of the world does not have the privilege of enjoying. Flying a flag is not such a difficult thing to do--in fact, it takes very little effort to make a huge statement of honor.
So, my question now is what exactly are we Americans so proud of, really? Having lived in a foreign country for 11 years and heard those people say of Americans: "You are so proud of your country!" and then to see such little regard for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice on this one day of national celebration leaves me wondering: What exactly are we proud of? We often pride ourselves in being honorable, yet some of us do not honor those who have gone before us and died so that we can be free?
I'm in a bit of a quandary. Once again: "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they do."
In a 1.5 mile stretch of driving, we counted just 12 American flags flying...and that includes flags on side-streets that we craned our necks to find and include in our overall count.
This holiday is not about politics; it's about people and their sacrifices that we might still enjoy what much of the world does not have the privilege of enjoying. Flying a flag is not such a difficult thing to do--in fact, it takes very little effort to make a huge statement of honor.
So, my question now is what exactly are we Americans so proud of, really? Having lived in a foreign country for 11 years and heard those people say of Americans: "You are so proud of your country!" and then to see such little regard for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice on this one day of national celebration leaves me wondering: What exactly are we proud of? We often pride ourselves in being honorable, yet some of us do not honor those who have gone before us and died so that we can be free?
I'm in a bit of a quandary. Once again: "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they do."
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wedding pics from our professional photographer

Below, walking down the aisle with my dad...taking in every face! :-)

Our photographer, Camilla Barrett, captured some wonderful shots!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Follow-up on phone call to a stranger....
Once again, I must declare to any of you out there in blog land who don't believe in God or believe that He is intimately acquainted with us, knowing our names and phone numbers, please read on...
If you read yesterday's blog below, you will hear of a pretty amazing story; I won't repeat it here, but rather follow-up.
So, not only was the name and phone number which Bob Hartley received from the Lord and gave to me to call accurate, but the woman, who lives half-way across the country from me, and I are now friends! We spoke not once, not twice, but three times yesterday, and the Lord knit our hearts in sweet love and fellowship with each other! We got to "share our stories/histories" with one another, our journeys with the Lord, and encourage each other! I'm so excited to see how BOTH of our hearts have been ignited with the Love of the Father and encouraged in HOPE! I must admit I am still completely blown away by the specificity of God's words to His children, yet I shouldn't be because Scripture teaches that He knows the very number of the hairs on our head.
So, today, while it is still today, inquire of the Lord, seek His face, adore Him for who He is, the God who sees and knows, who hears the cries of our hearts, who loves us intimately...let us love Him in return, the One who will never leave us or forsake us! To the KING!
If you read yesterday's blog below, you will hear of a pretty amazing story; I won't repeat it here, but rather follow-up.
So, not only was the name and phone number which Bob Hartley received from the Lord and gave to me to call accurate, but the woman, who lives half-way across the country from me, and I are now friends! We spoke not once, not twice, but three times yesterday, and the Lord knit our hearts in sweet love and fellowship with each other! We got to "share our stories/histories" with one another, our journeys with the Lord, and encourage each other! I'm so excited to see how BOTH of our hearts have been ignited with the Love of the Father and encouraged in HOPE! I must admit I am still completely blown away by the specificity of God's words to His children, yet I shouldn't be because Scripture teaches that He knows the very number of the hairs on our head.
So, today, while it is still today, inquire of the Lord, seek His face, adore Him for who He is, the God who sees and knows, who hears the cries of our hearts, who loves us intimately...let us love Him in return, the One who will never leave us or forsake us! To the KING!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I am a friend of the God who knows our name and phone number!
This past weekend, I took part in a Hope to the Heart conference here in Kansas City. Deeper Waters Ministries organizes these events about quarterly, offering a business track as well as a prophetic track with the goal of loving God and equipping people with tools to take the message of Hope to every sphere of life!
Bob Hartley is a precious man of God who heads up the Hartley Institute and Deeper Waters. He has cultivated an intimate relationship with the Lord for decades and hears from God for God's people to be encouraged and propelled into their callings and destinies. I am not in any way exalting a man, but rather the God whom that man loves and serves and whose voice Bob heeds.
The apostle Paul encourages every believer to seek the gifts, especially that we would prophesy. Every believer can prophesy, but in some people, this gift is very highly developed and fine-tuned. Bob is one such person. This weekend, during the ministry time on Saturday night at the conference, Bob was telling stories and praying and prophesying when he called out my name. Mind you, he has given me prophetic words in the past which have been spot on, so I was ready. What I wasn't ready for was the odd characteristic of this word and how it would affect me if I followed through on it.
In a nutshell, the Lord's word to me through Bob was the first name of a woman and her phone number as well as two words of encouragement to her. Bob said, "Arden is someone who will actually follow through and call this person." (Amazing how true that statement is!) Of course my first reaction was, "Cool, let me call her right now and see if this is really true." You see, I'd heard that the Lord gives Bob names and phone numbers of people he doesn't even know...but I'd never experienced this myself.
The weekend passed, as did Monday, and this morning, as I was preparing to leave the house, I sensed the Lord quickening my heart to call this number. Of course doubts began to arise: What if it's not really this person? This can't be for real. (By the way, the area code was completely unknown to me) But, BY FAITH, I dialed the number...and got this person's voicemail...no name, no indication if it was a male or female. I chose not to leave a message, and I decided I would call her back later.
Well, as I was walking out the door about 15 minutes later, I noticed a missed call on my phone. It was THE NUMBER! I was floored that this person would call some unknown number back. So, I got in my car, prayed, pulled out the word I was to give this woman, and dialed the number.
A woman picked up the phone. "Hello?"
"Um, hello, my name is Arden Czaszewicz and I'm looking for (Name)"
"This is she."
GULP....in that split second, FAITH arose in me!
I continued, "Um, you don't know me, but I live in Kansas City, and I was just at a conference where a gentleman named Bob Hartley was ministering. Have you ever heard of Bob Hartley?"
"Uh, no, I have not."
"Can I ask you if you know the Lord?"
"Yes, I do, I love the Lord with all my heart!"
"Ok, let me tell you more about who I am....."
And the conversation proceeded....she was SOOOOO open from the very first moment we began to speak. When I spoke the words of encouragement to her from the Lord via Bob, she began to weep and said, "You have no idea how much this means to me...you know how you have hills and valleys in life? Well, I've been in a deep valley and to hear these words from a stranger half a continent away, whom the Lord gives my name and phone number to is just blowing me away!"
To make a long story longer, she was JUST pulling in to the parking lot of the house of prayer in Bedford, Oregon when I called. We talked for probably 15 minutes, I was able to pray for her, and the Lord even gave me more words of encouragement which were...surprise, surprise...spot on! We both were floored and amazed at this God of the details, who knows our names and phone numbers and we are planning to stay in contact! God completely knit our hearts and I know there is much more to come! She has always wanted to come to Kansas City and visit the house of prayer here so of course I told her she can come stay with me! (oops, need to clear that with my hubby!)
Needless to say, my faith in God is SOARING right now...His intimate concern for every human being simply boggles my mind. Truly, nothing is impossible with God! Hallelujah!
Bob Hartley is a precious man of God who heads up the Hartley Institute and Deeper Waters. He has cultivated an intimate relationship with the Lord for decades and hears from God for God's people to be encouraged and propelled into their callings and destinies. I am not in any way exalting a man, but rather the God whom that man loves and serves and whose voice Bob heeds.
The apostle Paul encourages every believer to seek the gifts, especially that we would prophesy. Every believer can prophesy, but in some people, this gift is very highly developed and fine-tuned. Bob is one such person. This weekend, during the ministry time on Saturday night at the conference, Bob was telling stories and praying and prophesying when he called out my name. Mind you, he has given me prophetic words in the past which have been spot on, so I was ready. What I wasn't ready for was the odd characteristic of this word and how it would affect me if I followed through on it.
In a nutshell, the Lord's word to me through Bob was the first name of a woman and her phone number as well as two words of encouragement to her. Bob said, "Arden is someone who will actually follow through and call this person." (Amazing how true that statement is!) Of course my first reaction was, "Cool, let me call her right now and see if this is really true." You see, I'd heard that the Lord gives Bob names and phone numbers of people he doesn't even know...but I'd never experienced this myself.
The weekend passed, as did Monday, and this morning, as I was preparing to leave the house, I sensed the Lord quickening my heart to call this number. Of course doubts began to arise: What if it's not really this person? This can't be for real. (By the way, the area code was completely unknown to me) But, BY FAITH, I dialed the number...and got this person's voicemail...no name, no indication if it was a male or female. I chose not to leave a message, and I decided I would call her back later.
Well, as I was walking out the door about 15 minutes later, I noticed a missed call on my phone. It was THE NUMBER! I was floored that this person would call some unknown number back. So, I got in my car, prayed, pulled out the word I was to give this woman, and dialed the number.
A woman picked up the phone. "Hello?"
"Um, hello, my name is Arden Czaszewicz and I'm looking for (Name)"
"This is she."
GULP....in that split second, FAITH arose in me!
I continued, "Um, you don't know me, but I live in Kansas City, and I was just at a conference where a gentleman named Bob Hartley was ministering. Have you ever heard of Bob Hartley?"
"Uh, no, I have not."
"Can I ask you if you know the Lord?"
"Yes, I do, I love the Lord with all my heart!"
"Ok, let me tell you more about who I am....."
And the conversation proceeded....she was SOOOOO open from the very first moment we began to speak. When I spoke the words of encouragement to her from the Lord via Bob, she began to weep and said, "You have no idea how much this means to me...you know how you have hills and valleys in life? Well, I've been in a deep valley and to hear these words from a stranger half a continent away, whom the Lord gives my name and phone number to is just blowing me away!"
To make a long story longer, she was JUST pulling in to the parking lot of the house of prayer in Bedford, Oregon when I called. We talked for probably 15 minutes, I was able to pray for her, and the Lord even gave me more words of encouragement which were...surprise, surprise...spot on! We both were floored and amazed at this God of the details, who knows our names and phone numbers and we are planning to stay in contact! God completely knit our hearts and I know there is much more to come! She has always wanted to come to Kansas City and visit the house of prayer here so of course I told her she can come stay with me! (oops, need to clear that with my hubby!)
Needless to say, my faith in God is SOARING right now...His intimate concern for every human being simply boggles my mind. Truly, nothing is impossible with God! Hallelujah!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Recently, some friends came to visit...actually, a large number of friends came to help me and Paul celebrate our union as man and wife in the wedding of the year! Ha!
Some of those friends got a chance to visit a few places here, through which the Lord has dramatically impacted my life and given me greater revelation of Who He is and what He is doing in this world we call earth. Before 2004, I had a nice, compact, tight theology which seemed to work for me. Ok, stop right here. Please note the last word in that sentence: me...ME...ME....a theology that works for me? Wow, if nothing else, I've definitely had the rug of "me" ripped out from underneath my feet more than once in the last 7 years. If I've learned nothing else, I have learned this: no theology is about "me" or about "us"...it's all about God and His glory and what He is doing from eternity through eternity.
In 2004, God began to rattle my cage, shake my world and rip the rugs out from underneath me, and my 'religious spirits' didn't like it one bit. However, my spirit-man inside of me LOVED IT! Something began stirring deep inside of me, and I knew I was beginning a journey of discovery that would lead to greater love for the Father, relationship with the Son, Jesus, and intense and intimate fellowship with Holy Spirit.
Without departing from the Bible, I began this journey. In 2009, that journey landed me in Kansas City, MO where I've been stretched even further by 3 specific ministries, all of which God has used to burst open every box I've ever consciously or unconsciously tried to place God in...back to the problem that can arise when I limit God to 'my' theology.
Has it been uncomfortable? You bet! Has it caused tensions with others? For sure! Has my spirit-man been awakened to the living God of hope, who loves, I think almost more than anything, to pour out His affections on His children? Like never before! Have my biblical views changed? Indeed, they have as I have pondered and studied and realized that God is much, much bigger and much, much more involved in the nitty gritty of everything on this planet. Nothing is outside of His grasp, view, or the intentions of His heart. I've learned that I tended toward that heretical thinking of separating things into the spiritual and the secular, when truly, as Brother Lawrence clearly states, all of life is spiritual and has spiritual significance in eternity.
And so, here I stand, humbled to the core, and realizing that I need even more humility because if I begin to think that I have a 'clue' or have a corner on any market of anything to do with God, then I run the risk of placing my mind above the mind of God. Instead, I will submit everything within me to the triune God-head, bow low, and carry out the two greatest commandments as Holy Spirit leads me: Loving the Lord my God with everything, and loving my neighbor as myself.
As far as theology and all connected with it, I stand in the fear of the Lord, realizing that Matthew 24-25 and the entire book of Revelation is true, and I need to be prepared as a believer for all that is going to happen, with the end goal of loving people and pointing them to their messiah, Jesus, Yeshua, the God-man! In the process, Jesus prayed: Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. So, there is a biblical mandate to live lives here according to the Kingdom, bringing hope to the hopeless, and, as the old gospel song states: People get ready, Jesus is coming!
May God give ALL of us the spirit of wisdom and revelation from His throne room! Amen and amen.
Some of those friends got a chance to visit a few places here, through which the Lord has dramatically impacted my life and given me greater revelation of Who He is and what He is doing in this world we call earth. Before 2004, I had a nice, compact, tight theology which seemed to work for me. Ok, stop right here. Please note the last word in that sentence: me...ME...ME....a theology that works for me? Wow, if nothing else, I've definitely had the rug of "me" ripped out from underneath my feet more than once in the last 7 years. If I've learned nothing else, I have learned this: no theology is about "me" or about "us"...it's all about God and His glory and what He is doing from eternity through eternity.
In 2004, God began to rattle my cage, shake my world and rip the rugs out from underneath me, and my 'religious spirits' didn't like it one bit. However, my spirit-man inside of me LOVED IT! Something began stirring deep inside of me, and I knew I was beginning a journey of discovery that would lead to greater love for the Father, relationship with the Son, Jesus, and intense and intimate fellowship with Holy Spirit.
Without departing from the Bible, I began this journey. In 2009, that journey landed me in Kansas City, MO where I've been stretched even further by 3 specific ministries, all of which God has used to burst open every box I've ever consciously or unconsciously tried to place God in...back to the problem that can arise when I limit God to 'my' theology.
Has it been uncomfortable? You bet! Has it caused tensions with others? For sure! Has my spirit-man been awakened to the living God of hope, who loves, I think almost more than anything, to pour out His affections on His children? Like never before! Have my biblical views changed? Indeed, they have as I have pondered and studied and realized that God is much, much bigger and much, much more involved in the nitty gritty of everything on this planet. Nothing is outside of His grasp, view, or the intentions of His heart. I've learned that I tended toward that heretical thinking of separating things into the spiritual and the secular, when truly, as Brother Lawrence clearly states, all of life is spiritual and has spiritual significance in eternity.
And so, here I stand, humbled to the core, and realizing that I need even more humility because if I begin to think that I have a 'clue' or have a corner on any market of anything to do with God, then I run the risk of placing my mind above the mind of God. Instead, I will submit everything within me to the triune God-head, bow low, and carry out the two greatest commandments as Holy Spirit leads me: Loving the Lord my God with everything, and loving my neighbor as myself.
As far as theology and all connected with it, I stand in the fear of the Lord, realizing that Matthew 24-25 and the entire book of Revelation is true, and I need to be prepared as a believer for all that is going to happen, with the end goal of loving people and pointing them to their messiah, Jesus, Yeshua, the God-man! In the process, Jesus prayed: Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. So, there is a biblical mandate to live lives here according to the Kingdom, bringing hope to the hopeless, and, as the old gospel song states: People get ready, Jesus is coming!
May God give ALL of us the spirit of wisdom and revelation from His throne room! Amen and amen.
Monday, May 09, 2011
More wedding pictures
Gotta love the first dance: "Dance with me, oh, lover of my soul...."
The setting and decorations were phenomenal!

Thursday, May 05, 2011
New name...same person...deeply in love!
SUCH sweet moments all through the weekend with my daddy! This was just before walking down the aisle...precious few moments!
Our cake!
Sunday, May 1, 2011 is a day that will go down in my personal history as one of THE greatest days of my entire life! At approximately 4:30 p.m., I pledged my commitment for life to Mr. Paul Czaszewicz (Chaz-wick) and became Mrs. Chaz! Cheers erupted, some guests practically leapt out of their seats and most importantly, the Lord was smiling over this incredible day!
Here are just a few of the comments I've heard from guests:
"THIS is what a wedding should be like! It was holy, solemn, honoring, fun, and full of joy, and the Lord was VERY present!"
"This was one of the most awesomest weddings I've ever been to!"
"That was the BEST wedding ever!"
And, from the owner of the venue: "I've seen a LOT of weddings here and this one was THE most meaningful one I've ever seen or experienced." (Apparently, she doesn't readily say things like that!)
I had sooooooooooooo much fun...as did Paul....and we only wish it could have gone on for another couple of hours...we were just getting going on the dance floor when we were whisked away to change and depart. Alas...it certainly made me appreciate weddings in Hungary, which last until the following morning!
Heart-felt thanks go out to ALL of my precious friends who flew in from all over the country (and even from Israel!) to be a part of this momentous occasion! Having you there with me and Paul made everything worth it!
I must admit, I am really enjoying married life already! :-)
So, what now? Well, Paul is working full-time, my part-time job has just ended...and I will be looking for another as I await the September re-start of my online job...and we are getting settled in to our home! I will spend a couple of weeks getting settled in with Paul, then ease my way back in to ministry, and writing.
Yes, I finally want to publish (for real) my book The Senders (not just a kinko's type of printing) and I truly believe the Lord wants me to write a book about my journey toward marriage at age 47! As I was driving this morning, I believe the Lord gave me the title:........you thought I'd tell you.....muahahaha! No way!
So, enjoy these pictures...more to come both here and on facebook!
Thank you to everyone for your love, encouragement, support and prayers! Paul and I bless you back in Jesus' mighty name!
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