To all my precious friends out there who have read my book, Walking Forward, would you take 5 minutes and click on the link below and write a short review? This will help to get the word out even more about the book! I continue to hear from people how the book is impacting their hearts, minds and spirits, and it is very encouraging! Thanks sooooooo much for your help!
Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Where I am and what's up!
Boy, I used to blog so much more often before I got engaged! Ha ha ha!
Right now, I am sitting in the Exodus Cry Awareness Center in Grandview, MO. You can check them out at I volunteer here for 3 hours a week, ready to answer questions for those who come in to learn about not only the history of human trafficking, but also what is going on currently in the world and what Exodus Cry is doing about it. Each time I walk in here, my heart begins to cry out for those women, children and even men, who are lured, duped and dragged into this insidious 'trade'. Human trafficking is second only to drug trafficking in money making world-wide. Praise God for those who cry out day and night for those enslaved and for those who are involved in the restoration and healing of those who are rescued!
I continue to hear good things about my book, Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness and the ways the Lord is using it to imact lives. Here is a recent testimony from a friend of mine who is mentoring a young lady:
The latest: "Arden, I was reading your book out loud to my son's girlfriend. She called me in hysterics and I suggested I read to her. Within 20 minutes of reading, she was completely calm." It's testimonies like this one that cause my heart to leap with joy, knowing the God of the universe is touching hearts through this message!
If you want to quicken your heart regarding forgiveness, healing, freedom in the Lord, you can get your copy of Walking Forward through me or at or Barnes and Noble or Xulon Press.
Wedding plans...churning seems to be a never-ending process of doing this and that, and any of you who know me know that details are not my forte! Ha! I am loving it, though as it is stretching me, and in addition, Paul and I have begun premarital counseling classes! Fun!
Book writing: I am under the gun now to complete my second book: The Senders. I need to finish writing, editing and publishing it by the end of February! Whew! Why then? Well, I am part of a team called the John Four Group going to Johnson City, Texas to minister in a church there, and the team is putting together resources that people attending the symposium can take with them!
So, needless to say, I am busy! Loving it, though!
Right now, I am sitting in the Exodus Cry Awareness Center in Grandview, MO. You can check them out at I volunteer here for 3 hours a week, ready to answer questions for those who come in to learn about not only the history of human trafficking, but also what is going on currently in the world and what Exodus Cry is doing about it. Each time I walk in here, my heart begins to cry out for those women, children and even men, who are lured, duped and dragged into this insidious 'trade'. Human trafficking is second only to drug trafficking in money making world-wide. Praise God for those who cry out day and night for those enslaved and for those who are involved in the restoration and healing of those who are rescued!
I continue to hear good things about my book, Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness and the ways the Lord is using it to imact lives. Here is a recent testimony from a friend of mine who is mentoring a young lady:
The latest: "Arden, I was reading your book out loud to my son's girlfriend. She called me in hysterics and I suggested I read to her. Within 20 minutes of reading, she was completely calm." It's testimonies like this one that cause my heart to leap with joy, knowing the God of the universe is touching hearts through this message!
If you want to quicken your heart regarding forgiveness, healing, freedom in the Lord, you can get your copy of Walking Forward through me or at or Barnes and Noble or Xulon Press.
Wedding plans...churning seems to be a never-ending process of doing this and that, and any of you who know me know that details are not my forte! Ha! I am loving it, though as it is stretching me, and in addition, Paul and I have begun premarital counseling classes! Fun!
Book writing: I am under the gun now to complete my second book: The Senders. I need to finish writing, editing and publishing it by the end of February! Whew! Why then? Well, I am part of a team called the John Four Group going to Johnson City, Texas to minister in a church there, and the team is putting together resources that people attending the symposium can take with them!
So, needless to say, I am busy! Loving it, though!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Around these parts, meaning in the community of IHOP, they have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding fasting. Clearly, though, across the planet, the new year is often marked in Christian circles with some sort of season of fasting, and the expressions of that are as varied as the lengths of such fasts.
The Rock community, of which I am now a part, is communally engaged in a 21-day Daniel fast (or variations of it), and it's exciting to see how the Lord is changing and transforming people during this time. I, for example, am being wrecked, exposed, and I pray, transformed, but it is not a pretty sight. I am coming face to face with so much junk that still remains in my heart, from false props, to fears, to very twisted ways of thinking. A question I have been grappling with the Lord about the past 4 days or so is why am I ok when "X" is in need, but I'm not ok when "Y" is in need? Why am I quick to have an open hand and heart with "X" but not with "Y"? God is exposing some very, very deep issues in my heart, the root of which has not yet been exposed, or at the very least, I don't yet see or understand. It's clear there is something wrong with my thinking patterns, but the question remains, "what is the lie I am believing in that place or in those places?" Once the lie or lies are uncovered, then God's truth can come in and I know I will walk in increasing freedom to love, show mercy, kindness, gentleness, joy and self-control.
So, fasting brings on a hunger in people, at least in me; a hunger for the deeper things of God, a hunger for change and transformation; a hunger for intimacy with God himself. Truly, in my case, because of the physical hunger, my openness to the Lord exposing all sorts of things in me is increasing! Bring it on, Lord!
The Rock community, of which I am now a part, is communally engaged in a 21-day Daniel fast (or variations of it), and it's exciting to see how the Lord is changing and transforming people during this time. I, for example, am being wrecked, exposed, and I pray, transformed, but it is not a pretty sight. I am coming face to face with so much junk that still remains in my heart, from false props, to fears, to very twisted ways of thinking. A question I have been grappling with the Lord about the past 4 days or so is why am I ok when "X" is in need, but I'm not ok when "Y" is in need? Why am I quick to have an open hand and heart with "X" but not with "Y"? God is exposing some very, very deep issues in my heart, the root of which has not yet been exposed, or at the very least, I don't yet see or understand. It's clear there is something wrong with my thinking patterns, but the question remains, "what is the lie I am believing in that place or in those places?" Once the lie or lies are uncovered, then God's truth can come in and I know I will walk in increasing freedom to love, show mercy, kindness, gentleness, joy and self-control.
So, fasting brings on a hunger in people, at least in me; a hunger for the deeper things of God, a hunger for change and transformation; a hunger for intimacy with God himself. Truly, in my case, because of the physical hunger, my openness to the Lord exposing all sorts of things in me is increasing! Bring it on, Lord!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Thursday, January 06, 2011
Catching up
Our friend, Mano, took engagement pictures at Crown Center in Kansas City. Here are just a couple of them!

My apologies to regular blog readers...all two of you out there....ha ha ha! I've been busy since the beginning of November...and it seems life grows increasingly busy. However, that is no excuse--we are the ones who make choices to stay in the place of busy-ness, or to slow things down with a very simple word: "No." :-)
So, as you know, I travelled to Hungary and Romania at the beginning of November, which was a tremendous blessing! I loved seeing friends and ministering, and planning a big party sometime in the future for my to-be-hubby Paul and me! Thanks to all of you who have said you would do that for us! :-) We look forward to video-taping our wedding and bringing that with us to show everyone!
Upon my arrival home on November 20th, my then boyfriend, Paul, completely surprised me with roses, home-cooked dinner and a marriage proposal, followed by a romantic cruise on Brush Creek in Kansas City! Since that day, we have visited Chicago and much of his family, he has attended a men's retreat in Wyoming, we have found a wedding venue, Loose Mansion in Kansas City, MO, and I have bought my dress! We have visited my parents in Arizona and Paul got to meet them and one of my brothers and his family...the other two will meet him at the wedding, May 1st! :-)
In addition, we have visited all the house churches at The Rock and have settled on one of them. I am excited to have that family in addition to all the precious family I have here at IHOP. Melding two lives has its challenges as we both have a zillion friends and we are excited for the other to meet ALL of our friends...and of course we are finding that we will have to trust the Lord to lead us to those people into whom we are to pour and those who will pour into us in this next season!
Of course on top of all this meeting people, organizing things, celebrating the holidays, Paul has been working one full-time job and is now moving into a different job as well as completing classes for teaching certification. He will be doing his student teaching in the fall...oh memories of those days! I am working part-time as well and serving in ministry here in Kansas City, so we are quite a busy pair. This is very good on many levels and presents challenges as we try to find quality time together. I'm so thankful that each of us is very flexible, and because our foci is the Lord first and each other second, much grace abounds in all arenas! :-)
All this to say, I am excited for this upcoming season in my life, and the upcoming season in OUR lives. I know I have neglected many of you in personal communication, and I ask for your forgiveness.
At some point I am going to write a blog about "our story" (Paul's and mine) as it is really quite amazing and a tapestry of the Father Himself! For now, please keep us in your prayers as we prepare for our May 1st wedding!
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