Ok, go check out the cool new website I just created tonight.
Kinda fun!
Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The latest feedback on Walking Forward
Here's the latest feedback on my book, Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness:
"I finished your book. It's phenomenal! I want to get a copy for a friend of mine!"
This is my heart's cry: that it will get into the hands of those who need to read it and encounter Jesus! Get your copy today by going to my other blog:
Friday, September 24, 2010
Prayer room encounters
Yesterday, as I sat in the prayer room working on my second book, I noticed a man I thought I recognized sitting a couple of rows in front of me at a table. Then I saw what he was reading: MY BOOK, Walking Forward! :-)
I stood up and walked over to him...he is a good friend of mine...and knelt down to whisper: "Hey, I know the author of that book!" HAHAHAHAHA!
I guess what humbled me the most was that he said he really likes it and he showed me that he'd been underlining things and writing notes in the margins. Clearly, I was taken aback...there are many, many things that are rising to the surface in my heart and soul in connection with this book. I have prayed that God would use it in people's lives to bring them closer to His heart...well, He's using it in MY life to clean out things in my heart that still need to be healed!
So, all this to say, I guess this book is accomplishing it's purpose...in everyone's lives! This is my prayer...God, use this for Your glory and to draw people closer to Your heart and Your Son Jesus!!!
Tomatoes in September
Well, as my garden dwindles, I still have vines and vines of tomatoes...green tomatoes...probably about 50 of them...and it's SEPTEMBER! My last 3 pumpkins are ripening as well, and then comes the clean-up of my first garden.
What an amazing adventure it has been to garden. The Lord has taught me so many things about Himself, what He is doing in my life and heart, and where He is taking me in this short span of years called life on earth! One of the most profound lessons just hit me this morning:
This garden got planted in one place, the plants sunk their roots down deeply into the rich, life-giving soil, and they grew and produced much fruit. The "gardener" came along, made sure the weeds didn't choke out the good plants, watered it when necessary, pruned, and collected the fruit in due time. The garden didn't travel to many nations; it remained rooted and grew exactly where it was planted. May this truth be true in all of our lives!
What an amazing adventure it has been to garden. The Lord has taught me so many things about Himself, what He is doing in my life and heart, and where He is taking me in this short span of years called life on earth! One of the most profound lessons just hit me this morning:
This garden got planted in one place, the plants sunk their roots down deeply into the rich, life-giving soil, and they grew and produced much fruit. The "gardener" came along, made sure the weeds didn't choke out the good plants, watered it when necessary, pruned, and collected the fruit in due time. The garden didn't travel to many nations; it remained rooted and grew exactly where it was planted. May this truth be true in all of our lives!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Pumpkin lessons
I was super sad this morning when I discovered that my BIGGEST, ROUNDEST, most BEAUTIFUL pumpkin (from the outside) was quite 'mushy' on one side. Because I was dashing out the door, I didn't have time to do anything with it, but noted that I should probably cut it open and salvage the good parts while they were still good.
Well, lo and behold, I arrived home about 4 hours later and 3/4 of the pumpkin is now 'mushy' on the outside. So I gingerly carried the monster to the kitchen sink and proceeded to make the incision...a rancid, rotten smell came screaming out from inside where black gunk was eating its way throughout the meat. Off to the compost pile I strode, a bit heart-broken that my "prized pumpkin" was nothing more than a mushy pile of rotten flesh, coated on the outside with a beautiful orange shell.
In the Gospels, we read the story of the widow's mite...a poor widow walks into the temple and brings 2 pennies to put into the offering. Jesus commends her sacrifical, SMALL gift, shedding light on the reality that she has actually given MORE...a BIGGER gift....than those who have given out of their wealth. Many there on that day, apparently, possessed much, had big bank accounts and very beautiful outside appearances. I can imagine that this poor widow probably wasn't very clean or well-dressed, and may have gone unnoticed by most...but not by Jesus. Not only does He notice her, He turns the entire scene into a lesson that illuminates an eternal Truth.
What we may think is the biggest and the best, the most beautiful, the prize of all prizes, could actually be completely rotten on the inside. The outer shell hides what's inside, until finally, change comes, he's plucked from one place and put into another, and what is really going on inside comes bursting forth. Sometimes there is nothing to salvage and, like my pumpkin, it all has to be tossed out into the compost pile for the worms to devour and transform into something useful.
What is the "rot" inside of each of us...that secret, hidden sin that we think no one knows about or that won't affect anyone because it's only "about me" and only "involves me". That's the biggest lie ever, and the Lord is wanting to put a holy zeal inside each one of us, that His righteousness would reign from the inside out so that the meat, the seeds and the outside of the pumpkin are healthy and nourishing to others.
Well, lo and behold, I arrived home about 4 hours later and 3/4 of the pumpkin is now 'mushy' on the outside. So I gingerly carried the monster to the kitchen sink and proceeded to make the incision...a rancid, rotten smell came screaming out from inside where black gunk was eating its way throughout the meat. Off to the compost pile I strode, a bit heart-broken that my "prized pumpkin" was nothing more than a mushy pile of rotten flesh, coated on the outside with a beautiful orange shell.
In the Gospels, we read the story of the widow's mite...a poor widow walks into the temple and brings 2 pennies to put into the offering. Jesus commends her sacrifical, SMALL gift, shedding light on the reality that she has actually given MORE...a BIGGER gift....than those who have given out of their wealth. Many there on that day, apparently, possessed much, had big bank accounts and very beautiful outside appearances. I can imagine that this poor widow probably wasn't very clean or well-dressed, and may have gone unnoticed by most...but not by Jesus. Not only does He notice her, He turns the entire scene into a lesson that illuminates an eternal Truth.
What we may think is the biggest and the best, the most beautiful, the prize of all prizes, could actually be completely rotten on the inside. The outer shell hides what's inside, until finally, change comes, he's plucked from one place and put into another, and what is really going on inside comes bursting forth. Sometimes there is nothing to salvage and, like my pumpkin, it all has to be tossed out into the compost pile for the worms to devour and transform into something useful.
What is the "rot" inside of each of us...that secret, hidden sin that we think no one knows about or that won't affect anyone because it's only "about me" and only "involves me". That's the biggest lie ever, and the Lord is wanting to put a holy zeal inside each one of us, that His righteousness would reign from the inside out so that the meat, the seeds and the outside of the pumpkin are healthy and nourishing to others.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
More feedback on Walking Forward
Here's more feedback on Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness:
I ran into a young lady who has been reading Walking Forward, and here's what she had to say:"God has me in a season of rest and being still before Him. This is really hard for me to do as I am a "DO-ER". So, He reminded me that I need to be still, and I pick up your book and the next chapter in it is "Freedom in Stillness". Ok, Lord, I get the message!"
I ran into a young lady who has been reading Walking Forward, and here's what she had to say:"God has me in a season of rest and being still before Him. This is really hard for me to do as I am a "DO-ER". So, He reminded me that I need to be still, and I pick up your book and the next chapter in it is "Freedom in Stillness". Ok, Lord, I get the message!"
Friday, September 17, 2010
As life unfolds...
I've made some major decisions this week. Some will have significant impacts on my life and others'. I'm excited to see how everything unfolds.
I'm taking on a ministry opportunity I've never had before...it's connected with bringing to light the reality of human trafficking around the world. My world is going to be rocked, I'm quite sure of that. My first nation is my favorite adopted nation: Hungary. So, while researching the dark side, I am also praying and asking God, "What is your heart for this nation? How do you see these Magyar people?" The key, I am learning, to intercession is seeking the heart of God, through the lense of the true nature of God. Doing that increases compassion!
I'm taking on a ministry opportunity I've never had before...it's connected with bringing to light the reality of human trafficking around the world. My world is going to be rocked, I'm quite sure of that. My first nation is my favorite adopted nation: Hungary. So, while researching the dark side, I am also praying and asking God, "What is your heart for this nation? How do you see these Magyar people?" The key, I am learning, to intercession is seeking the heart of God, through the lense of the true nature of God. Doing that increases compassion!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
YWAM update from Grandview and Holden
God broke through in Holden and Grandview!
Team Xtreme, GX International, and Island Breeze all it the stage in Grandview and Holden.
Team Xtreme preached to a crowd of over 700 in Holden, MO a town of around 2500 people! TX member T.W. preached powerfully as the crowd sat motionless during the thorough explanation of the Gospel and watched as 85 (mostly children and youth) walked to the front making their declaration of surrender to Jesus.
The city and church leaders of Holden are excited to see what God is going to do tonight with GX International.
Also members of Team Xtreme, GX International, and Island Breeze performed at Forerunner Christian Fellowship to a crowd of over 1000. Using elements from all their shows they ministered with powerful testimonies and Mark Anderson preached the Gospel. Over 130 people responded when the challenge was given to commit their lives to Christ.
God is working powerfully already as we have seen over 330 people respond to the Gospel in just one week! Let’s trust God for continued breakthrough in the lives of those that desperately need Him.
God broke through in Holden and Grandview!
Team Xtreme, GX International, and Island Breeze all it the stage in Grandview and Holden.
Team Xtreme preached to a crowd of over 700 in Holden, MO a town of around 2500 people! TX member T.W. preached powerfully as the crowd sat motionless during the thorough explanation of the Gospel and watched as 85 (mostly children and youth) walked to the front making their declaration of surrender to Jesus.
The city and church leaders of Holden are excited to see what God is going to do tonight with GX International.
Also members of Team Xtreme, GX International, and Island Breeze performed at Forerunner Christian Fellowship to a crowd of over 1000. Using elements from all their shows they ministered with powerful testimonies and Mark Anderson preached the Gospel. Over 130 people responded when the challenge was given to commit their lives to Christ.
God is working powerfully already as we have seen over 330 people respond to the Gospel in just one week! Let’s trust God for continued breakthrough in the lives of those that desperately need Him.
Here's a WIN-WIN opportunity!
One of the things I loved about living in Hungary was how close stores were and how easily I could get the things I need.
Now, back in the U.S., I have to drive everywhere...I mean, everywhere! The closest store to me is over a mile away.
So, a positive development I see emerging is online shopping, which not only saves time, but also money! A friend of mine got me connected with Zamzuu and I now have my own Zamzuu website!
What does this have to do with YOU? And why WIN-WIN? Well, if YOU shop on my website, then YOU get great deals, rebates on selected purchases, and I get rebates and commissions too! I want to invite you to check out my website where you can get everything from pet supplies to clothing, and you can even book travel!
So, click on this website and check it out! By the way, you must ALWAYS click on the BACK arrow in your browser to return to the home page. Give it a whirl!
Have a blessed weekend!
Now, back in the U.S., I have to drive everywhere...I mean, everywhere! The closest store to me is over a mile away.
So, a positive development I see emerging is online shopping, which not only saves time, but also money! A friend of mine got me connected with Zamzuu and I now have my own Zamzuu website!
What does this have to do with YOU? And why WIN-WIN? Well, if YOU shop on my website, then YOU get great deals, rebates on selected purchases, and I get rebates and commissions too! I want to invite you to check out my website where you can get everything from pet supplies to clothing, and you can even book travel!
So, click on this website and check it out! By the way, you must ALWAYS click on the BACK arrow in your browser to return to the home page. Give it a whirl!
Have a blessed weekend!
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Impact World Tour - YWAM in Grandview, MO
Island Breeze Dancers
GX team

Lives are being transformed in Missouri and Kansas by the Lord through YWAM's Impact World Tour teams.
Many went forward and made decisions to give their lives to Jesus last night after these teams of dancers, skateboarders and power lifters both performed and shared their testimonies of how God turned their lives around!
IWT is doing a major outreach here for the next 10 days...we're believing that 3000 people will come into a personal relationship with Jesus!!! It's exciting to see 15 different churches working together to come alongside these new believers and get them into small groups and be discipled!
Monday, September 06, 2010
Flowers, kitties and gardens
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Creative ideas for Kingdom work
Do you know who is one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) contributors to helping orphans world-wide? I didn't...til the other night when I learned who it is.
The founder of Chik-fil-a!
Yes, the owner of the fast-food chain, which is closed on Sundays, is a self-sustaining missionary who gives more to helping alleviate the plight of orphans than anyone...and not only gives but goes himself!
Why am I blogging about this? Well, everyone out there knows how challenging things are economically, and most of my missionary friends and I are experiencing the crunch of the economy as well. I attended a meeting this past week where I learned about the owner of Chick-fil-a and how all of that came about.
You see, he had a passion: his passion was to minister to orphans. So, he went to the Lord and cried out: "God, you know that ministering to orphans is my passion!!! Show me how to do this! Give me Your idea!"
As the story goes, the Lord responded something like this: Chicken sandwich.
And so was birthed this booming business, through which this man is able to fufill his God-given passion to help orphans world-wide!
Why do I blog about this? Because I have passions for the Kingdom...fighting human trafficking, planting houses of prayer across the globe, ministering to people in inner healing so that they can walk increasingly free in their relationships with God, orphans. So, I am asking God: "Give me Your idea(s) as to how to see these passions come to fruition!"
I know He is going to do it, because all these passions are on His heart as well!
First, I hope and pray that my first book, Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness becomes a BEST SELLER and is translated to many different languages! I don't want this for my sake, but for the furtherance of God's Kingdom work world-wide and the passions He's placed in my heart for His glory!
Second, I hope and pray I will receive even more responses to my questions for the book idea the Lord gave me called "The Senders"....and that it too becomes a best seller...again, for the finances to flow into the work for the Kingdom!
Third, I am praying about some other creative ideas for financing Kingdom work! Father, give us all YOUR ideas, that Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
The founder of Chik-fil-a!
Yes, the owner of the fast-food chain, which is closed on Sundays, is a self-sustaining missionary who gives more to helping alleviate the plight of orphans than anyone...and not only gives but goes himself!
Why am I blogging about this? Well, everyone out there knows how challenging things are economically, and most of my missionary friends and I are experiencing the crunch of the economy as well. I attended a meeting this past week where I learned about the owner of Chick-fil-a and how all of that came about.
You see, he had a passion: his passion was to minister to orphans. So, he went to the Lord and cried out: "God, you know that ministering to orphans is my passion!!! Show me how to do this! Give me Your idea!"
As the story goes, the Lord responded something like this: Chicken sandwich.
And so was birthed this booming business, through which this man is able to fufill his God-given passion to help orphans world-wide!
Why do I blog about this? Because I have passions for the Kingdom...fighting human trafficking, planting houses of prayer across the globe, ministering to people in inner healing so that they can walk increasingly free in their relationships with God, orphans. So, I am asking God: "Give me Your idea(s) as to how to see these passions come to fruition!"
I know He is going to do it, because all these passions are on His heart as well!
First, I hope and pray that my first book, Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness becomes a BEST SELLER and is translated to many different languages! I don't want this for my sake, but for the furtherance of God's Kingdom work world-wide and the passions He's placed in my heart for His glory!
Second, I hope and pray I will receive even more responses to my questions for the book idea the Lord gave me called "The Senders"....and that it too becomes a best seller...again, for the finances to flow into the work for the Kingdom!
Third, I am praying about some other creative ideas for financing Kingdom work! Father, give us all YOUR ideas, that Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Randy Bohlender's blog
If you would like a good read, click on Randy Bohlender's blog (see blog links to the right). He's got a brilliant mind and clear insight.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Garden again
I looked outside at my garden today and I can hardly see the wooden frame anymore. The one pumpkin seed which sprouted has spread and overtaken everything! I am now waiting for 11 pumpkins to ripen...and probably more!
One seed...one seed....one seed....producing much fruit....
One seed...one seed....one seed....producing much fruit....
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