A local church had an evangelistic outreach on Saturday afternoon and part of the "program" was a testimony given by one of "my boys" who grew up in the children's home. I've written about Laci before...in previous blogs...and how God brought him out of a life of drugs, alcohol and punk life to Himself! I could not wipe the smile off my face as he stood up in front of people and shared about his journey in coming to Jesus! Be encouraged, those of you who have supported me and CEO and English camp throughout the years because Laci explained how one of the "lights" that God used to lead him to a personal faith in Jesus was the American teams coming to the children's home and doing summer camps with the kids out there. Our lives, lived for Jesus and loving on them were seeds planted in his heart, which God watered and grew! Now Laci is actively involved in the church and is part of a small group of young men being discipled by the pastor! All glory to God for His great work in this young man's life!