I went swimming today and felt so good that I decided to swim some extra meters...200 to be exact. As I began my extra meters, the verses from the Bible came racing into my head about going the extra mile. Jesus is teaching and essentially says that if someone asks you to go one mile, go with him two; if he asks you for your shirt, give him your cloak as well. Every day I turn around and I'm seeing or hearing or reading from various sources about unity in the Body of Christ and how it is under attack, and how we need to stand firm, in unity in Christ. Part of that is "going the extra mile"....swimming the extra 200 meters was such a tangible example of this lesson from Jesus and the questions that came to my mind in the pool were: do we have people in our lives who are willing to go the extra mile with us, when we need it? More importantly, are WE someone who is willing to go the extra mile with someone when THEY need it? We are to rest in God and strive for unity in His Spirit!
Well, I arrived home from swimming to find that my key would not work in my door....it's been sort of "grinding" for about 4 months, and finally, I guess, the lock is/was shot, I was rather frustrated. So, after trying for about 30 minutes, I called a dear friend who helps me with EVERYTHING, and he dropped EVERYTHING on his Sunday afternoon to come and help...which was a LOT more work than either of us expected. After much careful trying, we realized the only way the door would open is for us to physically KICK it open...thus, obviously destroying the lock, and the door frame. Well, Zoli being the "go the extra TEN miles with someone" kind of friend that he is went home and got glue and tools to fix the door frame and then went and bought a whole new lock and installed what he could today. He'll be back to finish this week.
It's like God gave me a TANGIBLE example of the pool lesson...Zoli will go the extra mile; he has numerous times, and often I've been the recipient of his amazing servants' heart. Of course he refuses to accept anything in return...that's the heart he has. I too want to be that person that will go the extra mile for those who need it.
God showed me too, though, that the broken lock, and the broken door frame, are tangible examples of what God sometimes has to do in us. Things are "working ok", but some things are needing attention or change, and finally, if not taken care of or attended to, they break, or sometimes God comes in and breaks stuff open. It's at those times that's it's not enough to fix the lock, but the entire thing needs to be replaced with something new. Healing needs to happen...my door frame got reglued, and Zoli cranked down the braces to secure the glue and the frame...God's pressure is not always fun, and it's sometimes really painful, but what comes out in the end is something that functions even better. How good is our God?
Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Oswald Chambers
I simply cannot seem to get away from the truths God is speaking to me through this guy!
"The challenge to the missionary...comes from the perspective of the missionaries' own personal relationship with Jesus Christ---'Do you believe that I am able to do this?' (Matthew 9:28) Our Lord unwaveringly asks us that question, and it confronts us in every individual situation we encounter. The one great challenge to us is---do I know my risen Lord? Do I know the power of His indwelling Spirit? Am I wise enough in God's sight, but foolish enough according to the wisdom of the world, to trust in what Jesus Christ has said? Or am I abandoning the great supernatural position of limitless confidence in Christ Jesus, which is really God's only call for a missionary? If I follow any other method, I depart altogether from the methods prescribed by our Lord---'All authority has been given to Me....Go therefore...' (Matt. 28:18-19)"
Do I really believe, truly, with all my heart, that Jesus is able to do "this". Whatever "this" is...heal, work out a difficult situation, restore a friendship, bring a person to Himself, change my mourning into dancing?
In John 4 is a verse that ties in with this: "If you knew the gift of God and who it is who speaks with you now...." when we stop seeing things from our limited, natural perspectives, and instead, put on the Spirit-eyes, every situation will take on a new dimmension beyond what we could ever ask or imagine because it will uncover for us the very gift of God which is Jesus Himself.
"The challenge to the missionary...comes from the perspective of the missionaries' own personal relationship with Jesus Christ---'Do you believe that I am able to do this?' (Matthew 9:28) Our Lord unwaveringly asks us that question, and it confronts us in every individual situation we encounter. The one great challenge to us is---do I know my risen Lord? Do I know the power of His indwelling Spirit? Am I wise enough in God's sight, but foolish enough according to the wisdom of the world, to trust in what Jesus Christ has said? Or am I abandoning the great supernatural position of limitless confidence in Christ Jesus, which is really God's only call for a missionary? If I follow any other method, I depart altogether from the methods prescribed by our Lord---'All authority has been given to Me....Go therefore...' (Matt. 28:18-19)"
Do I really believe, truly, with all my heart, that Jesus is able to do "this". Whatever "this" is...heal, work out a difficult situation, restore a friendship, bring a person to Himself, change my mourning into dancing?
In John 4 is a verse that ties in with this: "If you knew the gift of God and who it is who speaks with you now...." when we stop seeing things from our limited, natural perspectives, and instead, put on the Spirit-eyes, every situation will take on a new dimmension beyond what we could ever ask or imagine because it will uncover for us the very gift of God which is Jesus Himself.
Friday, October 26, 2007
International Christian Fellowship - week 4

What a great and blessed night tonight at ICF! We had about 27 people, 6 of whom were brand new! Gee, if we had everyone together who has come in the last month, we'd have quite a crowd! Bring all of them Lord!
We were blessed to have my "boss", Tom Foley, join us this evening, and the pictures are mostly his doing!
Before the evening began, a 13 year old Hungarian girl named Regina came up to me and handed me a card she had made me. On it she had written a verse in Hungarian and she said this as well: "You have a fire in you from God!" I wanted to CRY...this summer, I was encouraged by someone to pray that God would increase His fire in me...so here is this little girl, telling me she sees His fire in me! Wow, Go God!
Erik gave a great talk from John 1 when John's disciples start following Jesus; very encouraging and challenging.
We continue to pray that Jesus is lifted up and glorified through all that we do and say! The first picture shows prayer time before ICF begins. The secnd picture is before beginning the singing part of worship. The third shows Tom Foley and his good friend Gabor. And finally, Erik, giving his talk.
Bending, breaking and molding
Yep, once again Chambers has hit the mark.
"'I chose you...'(John 15:16). Keep these words as a wonderful reminder in your theology. It is not that you have gotten God, but that He has gotten you. God is at work bending, breaking, molding, and doing exactly as He chooses. And why is He doing it? He is doing it for only one purpose---that He may be able to say, 'This is My man, and this is My woman.' We have to be in God's hand so that He can place others on the Rock, Jesus Christ, just as He has placed us.
Never choose to be a worker, but once God has placed His call upon you, woe be to you if you 'turn aside...to the right or the left...' (Deut. 28:14). He will do with you what He never did before His call came to you, and He will do with you what He is not doing with other people. Let Him have His way."
"'I chose you...'(John 15:16). Keep these words as a wonderful reminder in your theology. It is not that you have gotten God, but that He has gotten you. God is at work bending, breaking, molding, and doing exactly as He chooses. And why is He doing it? He is doing it for only one purpose---that He may be able to say, 'This is My man, and this is My woman.' We have to be in God's hand so that He can place others on the Rock, Jesus Christ, just as He has placed us.
Never choose to be a worker, but once God has placed His call upon you, woe be to you if you 'turn aside...to the right or the left...' (Deut. 28:14). He will do with you what He never did before His call came to you, and He will do with you what He is not doing with other people. Let Him have His way."
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Bird in the house!
My cat Toby is becoming a very good hunter, sometimes much to my chagrin. As I was ironing clothes today, I suddenly realized that there was a small bird flying through my living room with Toby in hot pursuit! I wondered how it could have gotten in, given that my door is closed to the outside...well, Toby had caught this little bird and brought him in, like any good cat, to his food bowl....his eating area...but in the process of coming through his new cat door, the bird had gotten free.
So now I have a bird flying around with a cat in hot pursuit. Toby caught him again, and as I tried, in vain, to shoo them both out the front door...."come on mom, don't you know if I go outside he'll fly away?"...Toby headed again toward his food bowl. Well, the little bird escaped again and again began flying frantically around the living room. I finally grabbed a small towel and tried to capture the terrified bird. Toby caught him one more time, but let him go as I tried to pick Toby up to push him out the door...and the bird ended up on the stairs in the hallway....and Toby didn't see him for a split second, so I was able to gather the bird up in the towel and carry him downstairs and outside. I prayed he would be well enough to fly away, but just in case, I lifted him to the top of the wall...and as I released him, he flew away, seemingly fine!
Toby, of course, was highly disappointed that mom had "stolen" his prize and proceeded to pace around the house, looking for the bird, to no avail.
You know, sometimes it's our "natural instinct" to grab a hold of something; we may even think we've done something really good; we take it to its proper place...we are doing what comes naturally to us, what we think is right and good. However, the time and the place for that are not right...and the Lord intervenes and takes that thing away from us, sometimes temporarily and sometimes permanently...to save it and us, and to keep things from getting really messed up.
Toby is still alive, a bit disappointed, but alive...and the little bird is still alive, a bit bruised and battered, but Lord willing, he will recover. Isn't it such a picture of life and relationships sometimes...we are still alive, a bit disappointed when things don't go quite the way we wanted them to go, even when it seemed perfectly ok; and another may be a bit bruised and battered, but will recover and go on living and, Lord willing, thriving. Lord help me to see that Your interventions on my behalf are ALWAYS for my good and always for Your glory and always for the good of others in my life. Only You can teach me this through Your grace.
So now I have a bird flying around with a cat in hot pursuit. Toby caught him again, and as I tried, in vain, to shoo them both out the front door...."come on mom, don't you know if I go outside he'll fly away?"...Toby headed again toward his food bowl. Well, the little bird escaped again and again began flying frantically around the living room. I finally grabbed a small towel and tried to capture the terrified bird. Toby caught him one more time, but let him go as I tried to pick Toby up to push him out the door...and the bird ended up on the stairs in the hallway....and Toby didn't see him for a split second, so I was able to gather the bird up in the towel and carry him downstairs and outside. I prayed he would be well enough to fly away, but just in case, I lifted him to the top of the wall...and as I released him, he flew away, seemingly fine!
Toby, of course, was highly disappointed that mom had "stolen" his prize and proceeded to pace around the house, looking for the bird, to no avail.
You know, sometimes it's our "natural instinct" to grab a hold of something; we may even think we've done something really good; we take it to its proper place...we are doing what comes naturally to us, what we think is right and good. However, the time and the place for that are not right...and the Lord intervenes and takes that thing away from us, sometimes temporarily and sometimes permanently...to save it and us, and to keep things from getting really messed up.
Toby is still alive, a bit disappointed, but alive...and the little bird is still alive, a bit bruised and battered, but Lord willing, he will recover. Isn't it such a picture of life and relationships sometimes...we are still alive, a bit disappointed when things don't go quite the way we wanted them to go, even when it seemed perfectly ok; and another may be a bit bruised and battered, but will recover and go on living and, Lord willing, thriving. Lord help me to see that Your interventions on my behalf are ALWAYS for my good and always for Your glory and always for the good of others in my life. Only You can teach me this through Your grace.
Spoiled by technology...and when it doesn't work?
I've definitely become spoiled by technology, and when it doesn't work like I want it to, well....I become a bit of a brat. You see, I wanted to watch Third Day Worship at Trinity Chapel in Powder Springs, GA....great church by the way: www.trinitychapel.org I've been looking forward to the "relaunch" of 3rd day worship for 7 months; that's the last time they had 3rd day before the major construction project began. All day today, I've been waiting to log on--I basically planned my day around it cuz it is such a great time to worship with friends from home via internet! Anyway, I log on today, and no Third Day Worship being broadcast. I was on skype with a friend from there and had him call the church...nope, no live broadcast today...how SAD am I? Pretty sad...I've become spoiled with the worship at this church via internet and am hungry to join them as they run hard after God, so this "setback" is a very sad thing for me to face as a spoiled technology brat. Oh well, next week I'll be at a rockin' conference for three days, so I'll get LIVE worship!! Yippee!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Nothing of the old life
Again from Oswald Chambers. "There is only one thing God wants of us, and that is our unconditional surrender. When we are born again, the Holy Spirit begins to work His new creation in us...Our old gloomy outlook disappears, as does our old attitude toward things, and 'all things are of God' (2 Cor. 5:18). How are we going to get a life that has no lust, no self-interest, and is not sensitive to the ridicule of others? How will we have the type of love that 'is kind...is not provoked, and thinks no evil'? (1 Cor. 13:4-5). The only way is by allowing nothing of the old life to remain, and by having only simple, perfect trust in God---such a trust that we no longer want God's blessings, but only want God Himself."
And when we want God Himself alone, then He is able to have His will be done in our lives.
Jesus said, "I have much more to say to you...when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you." (John 17:12-14)
To have this kind of intimate communication with God, none of the old life can remain, for the old life is of the flesh and all truth is given through the Holy Spirit of God! May we allow His Spirit to continue His work in us!
And when we want God Himself alone, then He is able to have His will be done in our lives.
Jesus said, "I have much more to say to you...when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you." (John 17:12-14)
To have this kind of intimate communication with God, none of the old life can remain, for the old life is of the flesh and all truth is given through the Holy Spirit of God! May we allow His Spirit to continue His work in us!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Weekend away

I got away for the weekend...drove to Debrecen after teaching on Saturday....yes, sometimes we teach on Saturdays to enable us to have "long weekends" when we have a holiday. Tuesday is a national holiday here in Hungary, October 23, celebrating the 1956 Revolution against the Soviet occupation of Hungary. So, anyway, we taught on Saturday in order to have Monday off.
Debrecen was a real blessing! I got to worship at the International Church of Debrecen Saturday night and then go out to dinner with friends Edith Bond, and Pastor Ed and Sybil Courtney...pictured...to a cool diner called "Route 66". Sunday, I enjoyed sleeping in with no cats to come and tap me to remind me to feed them, and then Edith, Sybil and I went to the thermal baths in Debrecen and enjoyed about 4 hours of lazing around in the hot thermal pools! We were blessed to come home to a wonderful pot of bean soup and then watched funny DVDs and laughed a lot....a true necessity right now!!!
Today I took a long walk and snapped some pictures of trees....I really miss seeing reds on trees here in the fall, so when I saw these, I got excited! The drive home, 1/2 way in the dark and torential rainstorm, was exciting....and wonderful at the same time as I blasted worship music the entire way home. Good to get away, but good to be back in my own place, with my boys!
Friday at 7 - ICF week 3

God really blessed the International Christian Fellowship on Friday with 25 people, 9 of whom were new! Edith gave a great message about Jesus being the Lamb of God and how He would baptize in the Holy Spirit! Erik led worship, and in the middle of "allelujah", a "tangible" presence of the Holy Spirit fell on everyone in the room! Judit shared about two healings God had done in the past week. Thank you for your prayers as we continue to follow God in this, His ministry!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Old friends

Yesterday, I had the wonderful joy and privilege of meeting with Fran and Ed Lambeth, dear friends who lived here in Szeged from 2001-2002. We had a great visit! They are here meeting old friends and working on getting a very good Bible study "into" Hungary...it's called Community Bible Study! Pray for the right Hungarian to head up leading this effort! This picture shows me and Fran outside of Burger King in Szeged, enjoying the crisp fall afternoon!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Oswald Chambers again
"The key to the missionary's devotion is that he is attached to nothing and to no one except our Lord Himself. It does not mean simply being detached from the external things surrounding us. Our Lord was amazingly in touch with the ordinary things of life, but He had an inner detachment except toward God. ....The duty of a faithful missionary is to concentrate on keeping his soul completely and continually open to the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. The men and women our Lord sends out on His endeavors are ordinary human people, but people who are controlled by their devotion to him, which has been brought about through the work of the Holy Spirit."
Timeless wisdom.....
Timeless wisdom.....
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Yesterday morning I was reading in John when a tiny little verse leapt off the page at me. I'd probably read it 1000 times before, and quickly "overlooked" it because of course I want to get to Jesus' words. John 2:5 says in the NIV, "His mother (Mary) said to the servants, 'Do whatever he tells you.'" In the NKJV says, "His mother said to the servants, 'Whatever he says to you, do it.'" I tried to read on, but sensed that the Holy Spirit wanted me to return to this verse...which I did. I read it again and again and then the tears began to flow. Do I do whatever Jesus tells me to do? In this particular story, what follows is Jesus turning the water into the finest wine for the wedding guests...He provided in abundance with the very best. The cross-reference is to the Old Testament story of Joseph when he was head honcho in Egypt during the time of the famine...there too we read, "Do whatever he tells you to do." And the people went to Joseph and he had stored up enough food and provisions to feed the people during the years of the famine...he provided them with "life".
So, as I sat in bed, reading this verse again and again, "Do whatever he tells you," I prayed about a particular situation I am in right now: "Jesus, what do You want me to do in this situation?" His answer came clear as day: "Release it to me!" It was as if a gigantic weight was lifted off my heart immediately as I prayed and released...it was the first day in over two weeks when I had not been completely weighted down by this situation and God's peace and joy filled my heart. Of course in the evening, I tried to "take it back again", and immediately, God's peace left me....but there's more to this story which I won't go in to in detail, but as I released again, the floodgates of God's grace and mercy came flowing as God revealed to me my heart, and my continual desperate need for Him to come and heal! He's so good!
I encourage you: "Whatever he says to you, do it!" Only then can there be healing and freedom!
So, as I sat in bed, reading this verse again and again, "Do whatever he tells you," I prayed about a particular situation I am in right now: "Jesus, what do You want me to do in this situation?" His answer came clear as day: "Release it to me!" It was as if a gigantic weight was lifted off my heart immediately as I prayed and released...it was the first day in over two weeks when I had not been completely weighted down by this situation and God's peace and joy filled my heart. Of course in the evening, I tried to "take it back again", and immediately, God's peace left me....but there's more to this story which I won't go in to in detail, but as I released again, the floodgates of God's grace and mercy came flowing as God revealed to me my heart, and my continual desperate need for Him to come and heal! He's so good!
I encourage you: "Whatever he says to you, do it!" Only then can there be healing and freedom!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Thoughts from Oswald Chambers
Today's devotional is excellent. Here are some excerpts:
"The key to the missionaries' difficult task is in the hand of God, and that key is prayer, not work---in the natural realm, prayer is not practical, but absurd. We have to realize that prayer is foolishness from the commonsense point of view. From Jesus Christ's perspective, there are no nations, but only the world. How many of us pray without regard to the persons, but with regard to only one Person---Jesus Christ? No Christian has a special work to do. A Christian is called to be Jesus Christ's own, "a servant who is not greater than his master" (John 13:16)....our Lord calls us to no special work---He calls us to Himself."
If this doesn't fly in the face of many people's, many missionaries', ways of thinking...we "know" this, but do we live it? No wonder I hear so many Christians struggling and wrestling over "their call from God"...they want to KNOW what He is calling them to...it's clear, He's calling us to Himself only. When we submit to THAT call, then He can do His work in and through us. That reality is incredibly freeing once you grasp it.
"The key to the missionaries' difficult task is in the hand of God, and that key is prayer, not work---in the natural realm, prayer is not practical, but absurd. We have to realize that prayer is foolishness from the commonsense point of view. From Jesus Christ's perspective, there are no nations, but only the world. How many of us pray without regard to the persons, but with regard to only one Person---Jesus Christ? No Christian has a special work to do. A Christian is called to be Jesus Christ's own, "a servant who is not greater than his master" (John 13:16)....our Lord calls us to no special work---He calls us to Himself."
If this doesn't fly in the face of many people's, many missionaries', ways of thinking...we "know" this, but do we live it? No wonder I hear so many Christians struggling and wrestling over "their call from God"...they want to KNOW what He is calling them to...it's clear, He's calling us to Himself only. When we submit to THAT call, then He can do His work in and through us. That reality is incredibly freeing once you grasp it.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Creflo Dollar
Yesterday's message by Creflo Dollar was part of a wonderful series he's been doing on "Growing Up Spiritually". All of them are excellent, but this one in particular hit me deeply. Creflo talks about people growing up for what purpose? In order to help OTHERS grow up...he asks an excellent question: "Who is YOUR assignment? Who are YOU called to help grow up? Are you too busy to help someone else grow up?" That's our biblical task in the body of Christ...even as we are continuing to grow up, we have the responsibility of helping others grow up too. BUT, what hit me most pointedly is the fact that we need others to help us grow up, even if we have been walking with Jesus for years!!! However, we have to be careful that we are not being taught by "babies"...and even someone who has been walking with God for years may still be in the "baby-stage". Great stuff!!! Go listen to it: http://www.creflodollarministries.org/ October 15, 2007.
Good teaching
I've really enjoyed listening to an excellent series about "Growing up" into spiritual maturity at http://www.creflodollarministries.org
More Jason Upton
Once again, as I was walking around the city today doing errands, I had my music on and this Jason Upton song TOTALLY ministered to me. The lyrics are simple, and it is the MUSIC itself which is so powerful, with piano, flute, drum and guitar....but the lyrics too are wonderful.
"Heal me, come and heal me,
I know that you can do it,
I know that you can do it;
Jesus, heal me, heal me
I'm depending on You, I'm depending on You,
O Jesus.
You come and heal me, Jesus, heal me,
I'm depending on You, I'm trusting in You,
O Jesus.
O Jesus, come and heal me,
I'm depending on You, I'm trusting in you,
I'm calling on you, O Jesus,
Your blood.
I am trusting in You, yea, Jesus,
O Jesus, yea, healer,
I'm trusting in You, all my hope is in You,
O Jesus, O Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Jesus, Healer, O I'm depending on you,
I'm hoping in You, Lord, sweet Jesus,
Jesus, come heal us, o we're depending on You,
Our hope is in You, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Jesus, Healer, we're depending on You, Hoping in You,
O sweet Jesus."
"Heal me, come and heal me,
I know that you can do it,
I know that you can do it;
Jesus, heal me, heal me
I'm depending on You, I'm depending on You,
O Jesus.
You come and heal me, Jesus, heal me,
I'm depending on You, I'm trusting in You,
O Jesus.
O Jesus, come and heal me,
I'm depending on You, I'm trusting in you,
I'm calling on you, O Jesus,
Your blood.
I am trusting in You, yea, Jesus,
O Jesus, yea, healer,
I'm trusting in You, all my hope is in You,
O Jesus, O Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Jesus, Healer, O I'm depending on you,
I'm hoping in You, Lord, sweet Jesus,
Jesus, come heal us, o we're depending on You,
Our hope is in You, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Jesus, Healer, we're depending on You, Hoping in You,
O sweet Jesus."
Miraculous healing

Yes, it just keeps happening here in Szeged! One of my university girls who became a Christian believer in her senior year in high school wrote me an email yesterday and told me about how God healed her uncle. Her uncle was rushed by ambulance to the hospital with kidney failure, multiple kidney stones and was put on dialysis to keep his kidneys functioning. Doctors said he would need major surgery in order to, well, basically save him. Well, when Judit heard about him, she prayed and asked God to heal him. The day before the surgery, her uncle was completely healed and is now home resting...no surgery needed! Glory to God for His amazing grace of healing! Above, you can see a picture of Judit, who "announced" what ICF is this past Friday night, and will share this week about God's glorious grace in healing her uncle.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Jason Upton song
I wanted to go swim today, but there was a waterpolo match in the pool where I usually swim...so I had a wonderful walk and settled down on a bench in the park across the river to get my 15 min. of natural vitamin D. As I sat, listening to my Ipod shuffle, a song by Jason Upton, who is one of my favorite artists, came on and I want to share some of the lyrics from that song because I believe it captures the heart of where many people I know are right now, including myself. I hope these words bless you!
"I wanna know Your heart
Like a child knows His Father,
I wanna know Your voice
Like my little boy knows my voice;
And I hear you at a distance
When the world can't make it out I can hear it coming
Your voice, O Father;
Your voice, O Father,
The still small voice
And I wanna hear Your voice O Father,
Even when it seems at a distance
When people think I'm crazy
For thinking I can hear You.
I wanna know Your voice O Father
I wanna hear it coming
I wanna be the first around the corner
To take Your hand and walk with You
To the chair that You have and sit down on Your lap and hold on.
Sometimes that's all we do as children is hear Your voice
Coming around the corner and hold on,
Sometimes that's what it feels like to be a child of God
is just holding on....
But a childlike generation all it knows how to do
Is hold on....
I wanna hold on to You Father
More than I run and play or dance around
I wanna hold on to You Father
sit on Your lap and hear Your voice whisper over me
in the midst of the storm, peace.
Oh I give you peace
Strength of the generation is peace,
Jesus said I wanna give you peace o children,
O the peace that goes beyond the understanding
O the peace that comes by knowing the whisper of a Father;
I give you peace in the midst of your brokenness
I give you peace in the midst of your emptiness
I give you peace in the midst of the moments when you feel so dry
I give you peace
I give you peace
I give you peace
I give you peace, when you feel you can't go on,
I give you peace when rejection's far too much
I give you peace, oh when the shame is too unbearable
And the world seems so cruel
I give you peace.....
I give you peace, at times you are fearful
The peace of a child, holding on, and I wanna see the cloud, the cloud
coming....when no one else sees the cloud, give me eyes of the Father and
faith like a child and the ability to feel the same and knowing I see it coming now, I wanna see You coming......
I wanna know You're coming,
You're coming to rescue me, I know you're coming
in the midst of the trial, I know you're coming
in the midst of the circumstance, I know You're coming;
So I'll wait,
and restless is only that of a child waiting for his Daddy
shaking on the inside, can't wait til You come home....
can't wait til you come home.
I can't wait til You come home....o yea, can't wait til You come home,
Give me the faith of a child, with a restlessness inside,
that's just waiting to see You Father, before anyone else sees you,
Waiting to hear You Father, Your voice is still off in a distance, I
hear You coming, and I can hear You coming, Your Kingdom coming,
I wanna be Your child."
"I wanna know Your heart
Like a child knows His Father,
I wanna know Your voice
Like my little boy knows my voice;
And I hear you at a distance
When the world can't make it out I can hear it coming
Your voice, O Father;
Your voice, O Father,
The still small voice
And I wanna hear Your voice O Father,
Even when it seems at a distance
When people think I'm crazy
For thinking I can hear You.
I wanna know Your voice O Father
I wanna hear it coming
I wanna be the first around the corner
To take Your hand and walk with You
To the chair that You have and sit down on Your lap and hold on.
Sometimes that's all we do as children is hear Your voice
Coming around the corner and hold on,
Sometimes that's what it feels like to be a child of God
is just holding on....
But a childlike generation all it knows how to do
Is hold on....
I wanna hold on to You Father
More than I run and play or dance around
I wanna hold on to You Father
sit on Your lap and hear Your voice whisper over me
in the midst of the storm, peace.
Oh I give you peace
Strength of the generation is peace,
Jesus said I wanna give you peace o children,
O the peace that goes beyond the understanding
O the peace that comes by knowing the whisper of a Father;
I give you peace in the midst of your brokenness
I give you peace in the midst of your emptiness
I give you peace in the midst of the moments when you feel so dry
I give you peace
I give you peace
I give you peace
I give you peace, when you feel you can't go on,
I give you peace when rejection's far too much
I give you peace, oh when the shame is too unbearable
And the world seems so cruel
I give you peace.....
I give you peace, at times you are fearful
The peace of a child, holding on, and I wanna see the cloud, the cloud
coming....when no one else sees the cloud, give me eyes of the Father and
faith like a child and the ability to feel the same and knowing I see it coming now, I wanna see You coming......
I wanna know You're coming,
You're coming to rescue me, I know you're coming
in the midst of the trial, I know you're coming
in the midst of the circumstance, I know You're coming;
So I'll wait,
and restless is only that of a child waiting for his Daddy
shaking on the inside, can't wait til You come home....
can't wait til you come home.
I can't wait til You come home....o yea, can't wait til You come home,
Give me the faith of a child, with a restlessness inside,
that's just waiting to see You Father, before anyone else sees you,
Waiting to hear You Father, Your voice is still off in a distance, I
hear You coming, and I can hear You coming, Your Kingdom coming,
I wanna be Your child."
Friday at 7 - ICF-Szeged

We had our second "official" meeting of International Christian Fellowship this past Friday and again, the Lord was present and richly blessed us! We pray we were a blessing to Him! You can see "fellowship" time pictures above. We had about 22 people this week and we were "missing" most of our leadership team. (Since they live in other cities, they will come twice monthly) We had Americans, Hungarians, Nigerians, Germans, Serbians and Swedes. Soon we will have a "professional" website...right now it is http://www.icf-szeged.com/ but there's not yet much there! We made a decision to "end" the meeting at about 8:35 and allow people more time at the end for further fellowship and that turned out to be a blessing as many stayed way past 9:00 to talk to and get to know others!
One of my former students, Melissa, came with Zsolti...she's had her share of struggles in life, and I don't think she knows Jesus personally. The Lord had put on my heart a message from John 1:19-28 with these three questions at the heart of it: Do you know WHOSE you are? Do you know WHO you are? Do you know the ONE to whom you can point people? At the end of the evening, I was talking with Melissa and she said she really enjoyed the whole evening and that she would probably be back. I asked her if it was different than her "typical" church experience...she replied with a very positive and enthusiastic, "Yes, very different!" I believe the message was especially for her, and as a friend of mine earlier in the week shared with me something the Lord put on her heart, "Do not despise the small things, the small beginnings because it is in this that God will build his Body." How very, very true!
ICF is a place of freedom in Christ, a place of worship, fellowship, joy, peace and love centered on the living God! I pray that He continues to be the DRIVER of His vision for His Glory in this land and in this world!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Correct scales
Nearly everyone I see says to me, "Arden, you look like you've lost a lot of weight?" I tell them, well, when I get on the scale, it says I've lost about 4 pounds is all. Most don't believe me, saying I've lost much more.
So, I got on the scale last night, and it actually said I had lost no weight; but it's true, my clothes are not fitting the way they used to, and belts are becoming a necessity rather than a decorative thing. My friend got on the scale and her weight was totally off...the scale said she weighed about 6 pounds more than she really weighs.
So, today I went to the market and bought a new scale. I brought it home and lo and behold, I've lost 5 pounds since the summer! How important are correct scales? Correct measures?
I got to thinking about this and the Lord reminded me that the only scale by which we can measure our lives spiritually is the Word of God! It's His Holy Spirit in us, checking, turning, convicting and guiding us into the Truths that line up with the perfect scale, God's Word. If we try to live by other scales or measurements, people's thoughts or opinions, a false teaching or religion, our own limited human reasoning, or the lies that constantly bombard us, then we are sure to get a "false" reading and be "off". The only scale that is 100% accurate for our lives is God's Word as taught to us through His Holy Spirit living within us. That is the perfect "measure" for our lives!
So, I got on the scale last night, and it actually said I had lost no weight; but it's true, my clothes are not fitting the way they used to, and belts are becoming a necessity rather than a decorative thing. My friend got on the scale and her weight was totally off...the scale said she weighed about 6 pounds more than she really weighs.
So, today I went to the market and bought a new scale. I brought it home and lo and behold, I've lost 5 pounds since the summer! How important are correct scales? Correct measures?
I got to thinking about this and the Lord reminded me that the only scale by which we can measure our lives spiritually is the Word of God! It's His Holy Spirit in us, checking, turning, convicting and guiding us into the Truths that line up with the perfect scale, God's Word. If we try to live by other scales or measurements, people's thoughts or opinions, a false teaching or religion, our own limited human reasoning, or the lies that constantly bombard us, then we are sure to get a "false" reading and be "off". The only scale that is 100% accurate for our lives is God's Word as taught to us through His Holy Spirit living within us. That is the perfect "measure" for our lives!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
My strength
The Joy of the Lord is my strength! I awakened this morning with this Truth from Scripture on my heart and mind. The JOY of the Lord is my strength! Not my good circumstances, not my wonderfully strong body, not my friends, not my family, not my work situation, not ministry, not even fun activities are my strength...it is the Lord's JOY which is my strength, and when I try to make other things or look to other things to bring me joy, I fail miserably because nothing can satisfy nor bring true and lasting joy except the Lord Himself! I am so quick to forget this and so often look to those other things to give me joy and strengthen me, when all the while, Jesus is waiting to pour out His Joy into me to make me strong! Thank you, Lord, for your amazing patience with me!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Last week the pool where I swim was closed so that they could put the big dome covering over the pool for the winter. Today was my first day back swimming and as I flipped over onto my back to swim backstroke, of course I saw the huge, white dome cover, arching over the pool. I've seen it for years, but today, the Lord spoke very clearly to me: "I'm your covering, I'm your protector, I'm your defender, and just as this pool is "hidden" from the elements outside, so I will keep the harmful elements from you as long as you remain under my covering." Sweet message and promise!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Living overseas
I've been doing a lot of contemplating as of late about the excitement and challenges of living overseas, cross-culturally. What I'm about to share will most likely resonate deeply with those who have or who are living cross-culturally...by that, I mean that you have moved from your home country and you are now living in a foreign country. However, it may not hit so deeply with those who have never lived overseas for any length of time, simply because you "haven't been there or done that." I'm not saying my experience is unique or the only way to look at this very interesting phenomenon, but I do hope that all who read this will take into consideration some of the personal experiences I have had and I know others have shared with me as well.
First, living cross-culturally is exciting! Every day is a challenge, especially if you are living in a country where a different language than your mother tongue is spoken. There's always days of complete humility as you stumble through trying to buy "your daily goods". It's extremely character building, and at first very exhausting. I think, though, you reach a point where you really don't care anymore about the mistakes you make because you realize you will probably always have at least some mistakes in the language!
It's also exciting learning about another culture and growing to love it and in some ways, adapt to that culture...without compromising ethical and moral standards, of course. After having lived in Hungary for a total of 9 years now, I know I've become quite Hungarian in many ways; however, I am still an American and always will be...which brings up a constant tension that surfaces from time to time.
For those of you who've never lived overseas, please try to follow and understand...no matter how long you've lived in a different culture, you still need regular and in-depth, committed contact, support and encouragement from those in your home culture. Quite honestly, I don't fully "understand this" except that I've talked to many who say this is absolutely essential to spiritual, mental, and emotional health. I agree with them. No matter how "adapted" or "at home" one becomes in a cross-cultural setting, there remains the deep-seated need to "connect" with friends and family in one's home culture. Some of you may be saying, "Duh, this is so basic!" But, there are some I've spoken with who know, like me, that almost "ache" to "connect" on a somewhat regular basis with those in one's "mother culture". Most of the time, at least for me, it's to know what is going on with those people there...they know what is going on with us living overseas cuz we flood their email boxes with letters and updates!
This challenge leads to another very positive outcome, if we who live overseas choose to take it: it's a chance to draw even closer to God and literally, as the praise song says, find our "all in all" in Him alone. I love how God has done this with me because I've never known the intimacy I have with Him more than I do now; however, God did not create us to be alone or to be without community. Of course those in our home culture cannot "be" a physical community for us...that's a no-brainer...and God does provide "on the field" those with whom we can be in community. It's very, very different, though, and something, like I said, that most people who've not lived overseas, cannot fully relate to...I am in no way complaining, just voicing what I've learned myself and heard from others.
So, why write all this? Those of you who know people living cross-culturally, continue to pray fervently for them; continue to email them or call them regularly...you have no idea how much of an encouragment that is to the person who is far from family and home-culture friends. Those of you living cross-culturally, keep pressing in to your Heavenly Father and drawing everything and MORE from Him. He is your sustenance in ways only you can understand/comprehend because of your situation where you are. He, however, knows it better than even you do! He longs to meet you there and bring comfort, even when the calls and emails and letters wane. He is taking you to places spiritually that will be unique to you and Him alone simply by virtue of you living cross-culturally.
I'll end this tome and await any feedback....should be interesting!
First, living cross-culturally is exciting! Every day is a challenge, especially if you are living in a country where a different language than your mother tongue is spoken. There's always days of complete humility as you stumble through trying to buy "your daily goods". It's extremely character building, and at first very exhausting. I think, though, you reach a point where you really don't care anymore about the mistakes you make because you realize you will probably always have at least some mistakes in the language!
It's also exciting learning about another culture and growing to love it and in some ways, adapt to that culture...without compromising ethical and moral standards, of course. After having lived in Hungary for a total of 9 years now, I know I've become quite Hungarian in many ways; however, I am still an American and always will be...which brings up a constant tension that surfaces from time to time.
For those of you who've never lived overseas, please try to follow and understand...no matter how long you've lived in a different culture, you still need regular and in-depth, committed contact, support and encouragement from those in your home culture. Quite honestly, I don't fully "understand this" except that I've talked to many who say this is absolutely essential to spiritual, mental, and emotional health. I agree with them. No matter how "adapted" or "at home" one becomes in a cross-cultural setting, there remains the deep-seated need to "connect" with friends and family in one's home culture. Some of you may be saying, "Duh, this is so basic!" But, there are some I've spoken with who know, like me, that almost "ache" to "connect" on a somewhat regular basis with those in one's "mother culture". Most of the time, at least for me, it's to know what is going on with those people there...they know what is going on with us living overseas cuz we flood their email boxes with letters and updates!
This challenge leads to another very positive outcome, if we who live overseas choose to take it: it's a chance to draw even closer to God and literally, as the praise song says, find our "all in all" in Him alone. I love how God has done this with me because I've never known the intimacy I have with Him more than I do now; however, God did not create us to be alone or to be without community. Of course those in our home culture cannot "be" a physical community for us...that's a no-brainer...and God does provide "on the field" those with whom we can be in community. It's very, very different, though, and something, like I said, that most people who've not lived overseas, cannot fully relate to...I am in no way complaining, just voicing what I've learned myself and heard from others.
So, why write all this? Those of you who know people living cross-culturally, continue to pray fervently for them; continue to email them or call them regularly...you have no idea how much of an encouragment that is to the person who is far from family and home-culture friends. Those of you living cross-culturally, keep pressing in to your Heavenly Father and drawing everything and MORE from Him. He is your sustenance in ways only you can understand/comprehend because of your situation where you are. He, however, knows it better than even you do! He longs to meet you there and bring comfort, even when the calls and emails and letters wane. He is taking you to places spiritually that will be unique to you and Him alone simply by virtue of you living cross-culturally.
I'll end this tome and await any feedback....should be interesting!
Life's challenges and God's stretching
Here's some food for thought.....
Expect to be stretched as your encounters take you beyond the ordinary. You will need to exercise patience in every situation in order to avoid frustration. I am going to shine a light on attitudes, motives and hidden agendas, which will be valuable in making decisions and will in some instances cause you to make a course correction at this time. Your responses to challenges that you face will be extremely revealing and will be a stage for spiritual growth if you are willing to be honest with yourself. Take advantage of these opportunities to grow in discernment. Luke 21:19 "By your patience possess your souls.
Once again, right on the mark for me....for any of you as well?
Expect to be stretched as your encounters take you beyond the ordinary. You will need to exercise patience in every situation in order to avoid frustration. I am going to shine a light on attitudes, motives and hidden agendas, which will be valuable in making decisions and will in some instances cause you to make a course correction at this time. Your responses to challenges that you face will be extremely revealing and will be a stage for spiritual growth if you are willing to be honest with yourself. Take advantage of these opportunities to grow in discernment. Luke 21:19 "By your patience possess your souls.
Once again, right on the mark for me....for any of you as well?
Monday, October 08, 2007
Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin
About 2 years ago, I started "subscribing" to the 'Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin' via internet. In the past two weeks, every single email from them has been RIGHT ON with where I am and what I'm facing right now. God has really used these to encourage me, and I hope maybe you too will be encouraged by some of today's thoughts from Bill and Marsha Burns.
You have heard it said, My people, that crisis will bring you into divine order, and I say to you that this is truth. When you are in the fire, My glory shall come forth. Have you not heard of the fourth man in the fire? Even in these days I visit you in the fires of tribulation and in the trials of your life. I am bringing you to a place you have never been before, a place beyond where you have ascended to. I am bringing you to a place of glory in My Kingdom, which has yet to be visited by your generation. And, I remind you that you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. So come without hesitation, and allow the fire to burn, for surely it shall consume the works of the flesh, and what will be left is your spirit shining brightly in the Kingdom of God, doing exploits in His name. These indeed are your best days yet. Arise, and shake off every hindrance. Come before Me in faith, and we will walk together in victory...
Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns - - October 8, 2007: Be strong, beloved, and refuse to allow the enemy to single you out and whisper in your ear of your failures and shortcomings. The attack against you will come with singular intensity to make you feel like you are the only one "not getting it." It is designed to paralyze you with condemnation so that you can't hear My voice or the voice of encouragement from those around you. Rise up and shut the door to the accuser of the brethren by not receiving the devil's lies. You can choose to only receive the truth of My word, says the Lord, which will usher you into the realm of supernatural victory. John 8:44b " He (the devil) was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it."
You have heard it said, My people, that crisis will bring you into divine order, and I say to you that this is truth. When you are in the fire, My glory shall come forth. Have you not heard of the fourth man in the fire? Even in these days I visit you in the fires of tribulation and in the trials of your life. I am bringing you to a place you have never been before, a place beyond where you have ascended to. I am bringing you to a place of glory in My Kingdom, which has yet to be visited by your generation. And, I remind you that you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood. So come without hesitation, and allow the fire to burn, for surely it shall consume the works of the flesh, and what will be left is your spirit shining brightly in the Kingdom of God, doing exploits in His name. These indeed are your best days yet. Arise, and shake off every hindrance. Come before Me in faith, and we will walk together in victory...
Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns - - October 8, 2007: Be strong, beloved, and refuse to allow the enemy to single you out and whisper in your ear of your failures and shortcomings. The attack against you will come with singular intensity to make you feel like you are the only one "not getting it." It is designed to paralyze you with condemnation so that you can't hear My voice or the voice of encouragement from those around you. Rise up and shut the door to the accuser of the brethren by not receiving the devil's lies. You can choose to only receive the truth of My word, says the Lord, which will usher you into the realm of supernatural victory. John 8:44b " He (the devil) was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it."
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Friday at 7 - ICF - Szeged pictures
Friday at 7 - International Christian Fellowship

October 5th has come and gone! October 5th was the "official public start" of Friday at 7 - International Christian Fellowship - Szeged! God really blessed us with a wonderful worship time, great fellowship, good time looking into the Gospel of John, and after it was all over, a time to process.
We were blessed with 28 people from 8 different nations including Hungary, Serbia, Norway, Sweden, Nigeria, New Zealand, United States, and Germany. We had university students, a university professor, missionaries, a lawyer, a small businessman and his 12 year old daughter, and high school students. Bela, my friend from my former church, who speaks very little English, said afterwards, "I wasn't able to understand everything, but one thing that I noticed is the peace of God is here and it was very tangible. I've visited many churches with great programs, but God's peace was missing...it is here and that is what is important!"
All glory to God for what He did and is doing and will continue to do through this, HIS ministry in this city!
Children's Home kids...all grown up!

Yesterday, I was invited to birthday celebrations at the children's home where I used to go and befriend young people and teach some English. Lots has changed in the past year...All the girls are gone, now in different homes in different cities, all the boys age 18 and older are living in flats in the city, and the only boys remaining are the younger boys, ages 14-18 who also have some "special needs".
But yesterday, the "old guard" came back together to celebrate 4 boys' birthdays. It was so much fun to see some of the kids I invested time into over the years...they're so grown up looking and acting; all are in school and/or working, and many have girlfriends! It was precious to see them and share a short time with them, getting caught up on life.
Pictured above is the birthday celebration table!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Elijah List
I just received an email from a friend who forwarded something from Elijah List. I've pulled a couple of excerpts from it, which are poignant and relevant for many people I know who are facing challenges, including myself.
"This is the season to fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. He is faithful and He will not allow us to be tested beyond what we can bear. We must be careful not to pass judgment and to not make conclusions based on outward appearances. Things will not be as they seem."
"We must be aware of the enemy's tactics this season---he will be twisting the meaning of what we hear and see from one another."
"Jericho was conquered not by physical fighting, but by silence and praise. So today, the weapons of our warfare will also be nontraditional.
As we struggle through our difficult situations (questions, negative thoughts and feelings that overwhelm us mentally, spiritually and physically, and grasp at why these things are happening to us, trying to make sense of what God is wanting to teach us)--our Loving Wonderful Heavenly Father is reminding us today that HE KNOWS WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH (see Psalm 139).
BE HONEST WITH OUR FEELINGS TO HIM. We need not be afraid to verbalize and express all of our negative emotions (doubts, anxieties, disappointments, questions, anger, frustrations, jealous feelings, etc.). Reading through the Book of Psalms, we can see how God's suffering saints of old had struggles with the same emotions and they were so open in expressing these feelings to God. We need to do the same today.
LETTING GO. We are to daily and continually practice the art of yielding and surrender. As these burdens overwhelm us, let us consciously learn to "pass the ball" back to God. It is not an easy task sometimes to learn and relearn to "live one day at a time."
Beyond What We can Imagine or Perceive
Our Father's message to us today:
"My child, I know what's happening. I know that 'you knew' that I am in control. I know in this season, you don't feel anything, yet your heart continues to trust in Me. I know about all these things and I Am pleased with you.
Don't let the enemy deceive you. He will make you feel unimportant, insignificant, useless, weak, and of no use to Me. But THIS IS FAR FROM THE TRUTH.
Where you are standing now, many times seemingly in the valley of the shadow of death--is where YOU ARE THE STRONGEST. Just like My Son Jesus when He struggled in the garden of Gethsemane, where His sweat became droplets of blood--that was His moment of triumph. So the same is happening to you, today."
I hope this is an encouragement to someone out there who may be in a battle.
"This is the season to fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. He is faithful and He will not allow us to be tested beyond what we can bear. We must be careful not to pass judgment and to not make conclusions based on outward appearances. Things will not be as they seem."
"We must be aware of the enemy's tactics this season---he will be twisting the meaning of what we hear and see from one another."
"Jericho was conquered not by physical fighting, but by silence and praise. So today, the weapons of our warfare will also be nontraditional.
As we struggle through our difficult situations (questions, negative thoughts and feelings that overwhelm us mentally, spiritually and physically, and grasp at why these things are happening to us, trying to make sense of what God is wanting to teach us)--our Loving Wonderful Heavenly Father is reminding us today that HE KNOWS WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH (see Psalm 139).
BE HONEST WITH OUR FEELINGS TO HIM. We need not be afraid to verbalize and express all of our negative emotions (doubts, anxieties, disappointments, questions, anger, frustrations, jealous feelings, etc.). Reading through the Book of Psalms, we can see how God's suffering saints of old had struggles with the same emotions and they were so open in expressing these feelings to God. We need to do the same today.
LETTING GO. We are to daily and continually practice the art of yielding and surrender. As these burdens overwhelm us, let us consciously learn to "pass the ball" back to God. It is not an easy task sometimes to learn and relearn to "live one day at a time."
Beyond What We can Imagine or Perceive
Our Father's message to us today:
"My child, I know what's happening. I know that 'you knew' that I am in control. I know in this season, you don't feel anything, yet your heart continues to trust in Me. I know about all these things and I Am pleased with you.
Don't let the enemy deceive you. He will make you feel unimportant, insignificant, useless, weak, and of no use to Me. But THIS IS FAR FROM THE TRUTH.
Where you are standing now, many times seemingly in the valley of the shadow of death--is where YOU ARE THE STRONGEST. Just like My Son Jesus when He struggled in the garden of Gethsemane, where His sweat became droplets of blood--that was His moment of triumph. So the same is happening to you, today."
I hope this is an encouragement to someone out there who may be in a battle.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Movie night
Late this afternoon, I decided I wanted to try to get to the movies. Part of the adventure of living overseas is that you have to figure out which films are in English, with Hungarian subtitles, and which have been dubbed. Plus, all the titles are in Hungarian, and the descriptions as well. So, sometimes it's a shot in the dark.
I found a drama whose Hungarian title is: Mother, daughter and granddaughter...the English title is "Georgia Rule". I didn't read the description very carefully...I just noticed it was in English and decided that Jane Fonda would be good to see in a film.
Well, to my amazement, within 5 min. of the films' start, a friend of mine from university, Dermot Mulroney, appeared on the big screen! Of course he's been in many films, but I didn't know he was in this one, or that he would have such a significant part.
The film is interesting...deep and definitely not a chick-flick. The messages are serious, the characters average American people...definitely worth seeing. The film raises the question numerous times, "who are you going to believe?" The daughter has had a pattern of lying and rebellion, and so when she is confronted about being molested by her step-father, she is thought to be lying...do you believe your daughter or your husband? I love the fact that in the end, truth prevails, the lies are exposed and there is forgivness and reconciliation. The process of getting there is ugly and not fun; sometimes the most valuable things in life that are worth fighting for take a lot of work and sometimes, that work can get messy. But when Truth wins out, it's all worth it.
I found a drama whose Hungarian title is: Mother, daughter and granddaughter...the English title is "Georgia Rule". I didn't read the description very carefully...I just noticed it was in English and decided that Jane Fonda would be good to see in a film.
Well, to my amazement, within 5 min. of the films' start, a friend of mine from university, Dermot Mulroney, appeared on the big screen! Of course he's been in many films, but I didn't know he was in this one, or that he would have such a significant part.
The film is interesting...deep and definitely not a chick-flick. The messages are serious, the characters average American people...definitely worth seeing. The film raises the question numerous times, "who are you going to believe?" The daughter has had a pattern of lying and rebellion, and so when she is confronted about being molested by her step-father, she is thought to be lying...do you believe your daughter or your husband? I love the fact that in the end, truth prevails, the lies are exposed and there is forgivness and reconciliation. The process of getting there is ugly and not fun; sometimes the most valuable things in life that are worth fighting for take a lot of work and sometimes, that work can get messy. But when Truth wins out, it's all worth it.
The Vision and the Reality
I love Oswald Chambers' devotional book "My Utmost for His Highest". It is chocked full of wisdom and penetrating truths which continue to be timeless. Some thoughts from today's reading are especially poignant for me right now.
"We have seen what we are not, and what God wants us to be, but are we willing to be battered into the shape of the vision to be used by God? The beatings will always come in the most common, everyday ways and through common, everyday people.
There are times when we do not know what God's purpose is; whether we will let the vision be turned into actual character depends on us, not on God.
Our little "I am" always sulks and pouts when God says do. Let your little "I am" be shriveled up in God's wrath and indignation---"I AM WHO I AM...has sent me to you" (Exodus 3:14). He must dominate. Isn't it piercing to realize that God not only knows where we live, but also knows the gutters into which we crawl! He will hunt us down as fast as a flash of lightning. No human being knows human beings as God does."
No need to add to what Chambers has already written....
"We have seen what we are not, and what God wants us to be, but are we willing to be battered into the shape of the vision to be used by God? The beatings will always come in the most common, everyday ways and through common, everyday people.
There are times when we do not know what God's purpose is; whether we will let the vision be turned into actual character depends on us, not on God.
Our little "I am" always sulks and pouts when God says do. Let your little "I am" be shriveled up in God's wrath and indignation---"I AM WHO I AM...has sent me to you" (Exodus 3:14). He must dominate. Isn't it piercing to realize that God not only knows where we live, but also knows the gutters into which we crawl! He will hunt us down as fast as a flash of lightning. No human being knows human beings as God does."
No need to add to what Chambers has already written....
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Cutting grass

I absolutely LOVE cutting grass! I cannot remember the last time I got to cut grass, so today was a BIG day for me! The grass in our back yard area of our building has been needing cutting for months....finally, the building bought a lawnmower, and I got the privilege of cutting the grass this afternoon!
I love before and after pictures, like the ones above...difficult to see, sorry. As I was cutting, I had to stop quite frequently and empty the collection "bucket" on the back of the mower. If I didn't empty it, the mower wouldn't work properly and grass shavings started to collect underneath, eventually cutting off the motor. As I dumped the cuttings into the pile, I realized how much it's like our lives and how the Lord works. He's got to cut away things that are keeping us from being His beautiful children...and we've got to dump those things which will keep us from being sharp and even keep us from functioning properly. It's a regular process of cutting, cleaning and being made fresh by His Holy Spirit, if we are willing to allow Him to take his "mower" to our lives. The end result is ALWAYS beautiful, even if the process may be a bit challenging!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Concert blessings!
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