I'm still in the "aftermath" stage of the city-wide concert a team of us organized and put on this past Saturday here in Szeged...in other words, I'm tired! This will be a short blog, with more to come, but just want to say that in many ways, it was a tremendous "success". God was lifted up and glorified, and that is basically all that matters. Of course we had our pre-concert minor glitches and major enemy attack, but when one walks with Jesus, these things are to be "expected"...it's how we face them that is important. The organizing team here was just GREAT! The picture above shows our pre-concert sandwich-making party which took place at our Friday at 7 - International Christian Fellowship meeting the night before! Many hands make for quick work! Great idea MJ!!! Stay posted here for more pictures and stories. Thanks to everyone who labored faithfully over the months and these past couple of weeks to make sure it all happened!