Christian Educators Outreach (CEO) is people who are broken vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be used for His glory world-wide! I am one woman, married to a wonderful man, and sometimes I have some worthwhile thoughts about God, life, etc. which I like to post here. Enjoy!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
New Revelation
Go read Colossians 3:16. We were reading this today at church, and it was so powerful because for the first time, I saw that it says we are to TEACH each other through singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs!!! How cool that worship is also about teaching each other for our edification?
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Precious ones

When I met Bori in 1996, she was a scared, shy 14 year old girl, who kept her distance and would not come and enjoy the activities the other kids in the children's home were taking part in.
Bori captured my heart then, and now we are dear friends! She has since moved out of the children's home, and has a little girl, kis Bori (little Bori). I got to spend some time with the two Boris and another girl who also moved out of the children's home and now has a little girl. Susan and her daughter Vivien live in a little village near Szeged.
I was humbled by how challenging their lives had been, and continue to be, but how precious they are with their little girls. While they were "rejected" by their parents, they have turned that rejection into love for their little girls. I love this picture of Bori with little Bori!!!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Precious ones

One of the major blessings I've received since living in Hungary is being involved in the lives of young people who have grown up in a state-run children's home. While it took years to develop trust with these kids, the payoffs are wonderful. I now have trusting friendships with a number of these young people, many of whom are now living outside the home. My prayer is that Jesus in me can love them and that He draws them to Himself! This is my "daughter", Bori, and her daughter, Bori! Both are precious ones!!!
Sunday, September 17, 2006

God is transforming His body, the church. He is lifting up His worshippers; we are all called to be worshippers. Yesterday, I had the privilege of taking part in a one-day conference in Budapest, and during the worship, it was refreshing and encouraging to see 40, 50, 60 year old people dancing before the Lord, waving flags and so free in their worship of the Lord! Some would say they look like fools...indeed, we are called to be fools for Christ; so I say, dance, run and wave on as the Lord leads you!!!
Here in Szeged, the interdenominational worship team, New Song, is taking on a new look as well. Some have chosen to leave the worship team for various reasons, and God is lifting up others to be a part of this exciting worship here in Szeged! My heart's desire is to see Jesus lifted up, people set free to worship the way God calls them to worship Him, and only HE can instruct each individual as to what that "looks" like! Glory to Him alone!!!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
You already HAVE it!!!
About a week ago, I went to the ATM machine (bankomat) here in Hungary and put my Hungarian card in the machine with the hopes of withdrawing money. The message I received said that my card had expired and I needed to check with my banking institution. I looked at the date, and duh, yes, it had expired.
So, I decided to try to find a time to go hours here are rather non-conducive to working people...closing at 3 or 4 in the afternoon; so today, I finally went in. When the woman pulled up my information, she said that my new card had already been mailed to my home address here in Szeged! I was caught off-guard a bit, but then I remembered that in the past 3 weeks, I've not taken the time to go through my mail which arrived during the summer (my neighbor had paid all the bills).
So, I go home, look through all the mail, and lo and behold, there is my shiny new bank card, good til 2008!! I already had the card, right here, in my house, available to me, free of charge and all that is in my bank account was already available to me...but I didn't know it nor did I access it.
What does this have to do with anything? Well, for the past couple of years, I've been growing a lot in my understanding of God and spiritual gifts. In Colossians 1:19 it says that ALL the fullness of the Father dwells in the Son, Jesus Christ. ALL the fullness...everything!!! So, logically, if Christ dwells in us by faith, then we have Christ IN us through the Holy Spirit, which means that all the fullness of the Father dwells in us!!! He's given us EVERYTHING!!! All gifts are available to us because HE is IN us in the Holy Spirit!!! But how often do we "leave the gifts in the envelope on the shelf"...or do we even realize that because Christ dwells in us, every gift also dwells in us?
For me to naively say that I don't have my card, or my card is better left on the shelf and I will try to get money other ways is simply silly. For us to say that God has not poured out His fullness into Jesus, and thus into us who know Him as Lord and Savior, or to put a limit on what God wants to do in and through us is also just simply silly!
Lord, draw out of me all the gifts that You wish to make use of in my corner of the world, and beyond, for Your glory...I put no limits on You, and I thank you that I already have all that I need: Your Spirit living in me!
So, I decided to try to find a time to go hours here are rather non-conducive to working people...closing at 3 or 4 in the afternoon; so today, I finally went in. When the woman pulled up my information, she said that my new card had already been mailed to my home address here in Szeged! I was caught off-guard a bit, but then I remembered that in the past 3 weeks, I've not taken the time to go through my mail which arrived during the summer (my neighbor had paid all the bills).
So, I go home, look through all the mail, and lo and behold, there is my shiny new bank card, good til 2008!! I already had the card, right here, in my house, available to me, free of charge and all that is in my bank account was already available to me...but I didn't know it nor did I access it.
What does this have to do with anything? Well, for the past couple of years, I've been growing a lot in my understanding of God and spiritual gifts. In Colossians 1:19 it says that ALL the fullness of the Father dwells in the Son, Jesus Christ. ALL the fullness...everything!!! So, logically, if Christ dwells in us by faith, then we have Christ IN us through the Holy Spirit, which means that all the fullness of the Father dwells in us!!! He's given us EVERYTHING!!! All gifts are available to us because HE is IN us in the Holy Spirit!!! But how often do we "leave the gifts in the envelope on the shelf"...or do we even realize that because Christ dwells in us, every gift also dwells in us?
For me to naively say that I don't have my card, or my card is better left on the shelf and I will try to get money other ways is simply silly. For us to say that God has not poured out His fullness into Jesus, and thus into us who know Him as Lord and Savior, or to put a limit on what God wants to do in and through us is also just simply silly!
Lord, draw out of me all the gifts that You wish to make use of in my corner of the world, and beyond, for Your glory...I put no limits on You, and I thank you that I already have all that I need: Your Spirit living in me!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Name Days

Here in Hungary, every person has a "name day". It's sort of like a birthday, but it's your name day...on a Hungarian calendar are written every name that a Hungarian can name his/her child. For example, on March 25 is Iren's name day (this happens to be the name that I have in Hungary...LONG story) and so on that day, in the English department at my school, the person whose name day it is brings in something to eat for everyone to share. My long-standing tradition is to make chocolate chip cookies for everyone. Another colleague buys a gift for the celebrant and gives a short speech for the person whose name day it is. Then, everyone lines up to give the celebrant a kiss on each there is a lot of kissing going on during a name day celebration!
I actually enjoy this tradition, and tomorrow, we will celebrate Maria's name day (Maria nevnapot). I just happened to have "chosen" one of the two Maria's in our department and am excited to give her her gift tomorrow and see what wonderful cakes or cookies or yummy treats the TWO Marias will bring!!!
"My" Maria is in the striped blouse in the center of the picture!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Worship in Szeged

Yesterday, I attended the last 2 hours of a day-long nationwide gathering of charismatic Catholic believers here in Hungary. This year's event took place here in Szeged. The last two hours included worship, led by a team of musicians from across the country, including 3 of the main worshippers on the Szeged interdenominational worship team, New Song. It was a sweet time of seeing many people whom I don't normally see regularly, and it was amazing to see over 1000 people gathered in one arena praising the Lord here in Hungary!!!
Friday, September 08, 2006
First week of school!!!
Well, I survived, and so did my students!!! Not only do I have 17 different groups this year, but over 230 students! Yes, I teach 1/4 of the school!!! Try remembering that many names, most of whom I meet only once a week! It'll be a fun year, and a chance to influence many lives!!!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Battles on the field
One of the most challenging things we face here in Hungary is when a new church starts, the "traditional" churches often assume that it must be a cult or a sect. What is at the root of this? Bottom line is FEAR. And this fear goes all the way back to the Garden, when Adam and Eve were afraid because they had done the one thing God told them not to do. Enter FEAR. From then on, fear has plagued the generations, has kept individuals and groups from walking in the freedom that Jesus went to the cross to win for each one of us!
Then you have the enemy coming in, and even amongst fellow believers, nurturing that fear, planting skepticism, watering mistrust, and wreaking havoc, so that believers are more focused on the problems and issues than on Jesus Himself.
Oh, may we return to the Gospels and there read Jesus' heart for us: He cried out to His Father for us to be in RELATIONSHIP with Him and thus with God His Father, our Father, that we would all be one in Jesus!!! Once we figure out it's all about relationship, this world will be turned upside down for His glory...and isn't that what life is all about anyway?
Then you have the enemy coming in, and even amongst fellow believers, nurturing that fear, planting skepticism, watering mistrust, and wreaking havoc, so that believers are more focused on the problems and issues than on Jesus Himself.
Oh, may we return to the Gospels and there read Jesus' heart for us: He cried out to His Father for us to be in RELATIONSHIP with Him and thus with God His Father, our Father, that we would all be one in Jesus!!! Once we figure out it's all about relationship, this world will be turned upside down for His glory...and isn't that what life is all about anyway?
What should happen...
Thursday of this week, I met with my 30-somethings Bible study girls. We had a precious time together, during which I learned that they've been meeting together all summer, each one sharing the teaching responsibilities. This is exactly what should happen as a result of pouring into people's lives with the Gospel. What joy to see them in love with Jesus and spurring each other on to know and love Him more and more.
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