While hiking in Colorado back in June, I glanced to the right and spied this tree, clinging to the side of the "cliff". The picture made me stop dead in my tracks and stare, for a good minute or so, at what was a physical picture in nature of what the past 8 months have been for me spiritually!
If you can see in the picture, nearly 3/4 of the root system is literally "exposed" to the air and elements, not receiving nourishment, while the other 1/4 of the roots are digging in hard, clinging to the soil and sucking out the nutrients the tree needs to survive.
God, in His awesome, loving, gentle, mercy has been exposing my roots...the bad roots, and we all know that bad roots produce bad fruit.
The exposed roots on this tree looked dry and unable to receive or give anything toward the life of the tree...they were dying or were already dead.
I am thrilled that God has exposed my bad roots, although I've often felt a bit like this tree looks....exposed, and clinging with the remaining good roots to the "cliff", just trying to hang on and live! But if the bad roots had not been exposed and subsequently "uprooted" and killed, the tree itself would continue to produce bad fruit, even though there are some good roots.
God, in His mercy, has strengthened the remaining good roots and is planting me in new soil for more good roots to grow and receive the much needed nourishment necessary for healthy growth. I'm clinging to the only One who can provide everything I need for that growth, and that's Jesus Christ!